Senate roundup

Lobby Day: At Tuesday’s Student Senate meeting, Oregon Student Association Campus Organizer Casey Dreher announced that 118 students have confirmed attendance for the OSA rally in Salem on April 25.

Lobby Day

At Tuesday’s Student Senate meeting, Oregon Student Association Campus Organizer Casey Dreher announced that 118 students have confirmed attendance for the OSA rally in Salem on April 25. According to Dreher, PSU leads the Oregon University System in confirmed attendees this year. Dreher also expects to recruit about 30 students a day until the rally.

Elections Board

Ari Wubbold, chair of the Elections Board, announced that the board has implemented proposed constitutional changes that will lengthen the time for candidates’ campaigns next year, as well as the period for the E-board to deliberate on its constitutional by-laws. The Senate voted unanimously in favor of the E-board’s proposed changes. These amendments will be included in the ballot, which students can vote on today.

In addition, the E-board announced that it will have a target of 2,500 voters in this year’s election, a goal that would represent a nearly 300 percent increase over last year’s voter turnout. ?