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Stretch it out

It’s common knowledge that stretching before and after exercise helps to keep muscles flexible and decreases the chance of injuries such as pulled or torn muscles. But do we ever think to stretch before and after sex?

Sex can be a rigorous form of exercise, and while serious muscle injuries are not as likely to occur, small annoyances like muscle cramps are common and can seriously kill the mood. Here are some stretches to help you and your partner avoid those inconveniences—and to help set the mood.

Partner stretches

The Lean-Back

To do this stretch, stand up straight, push your hips forward and let your upper body lean back. For more balance, place your hands behind your hips. This lengthens small-but-important inner thigh muscles that connect the legs to the pelvis.

The Cowboy

This stretch loosens the hips while it increases blood flow to the pelvis. This is good for preventing the “flat tire” phenomenon in which the buttock muscles cramp up from extensive thrusting. To perform the Cowboy, simply spread your legs from a standing position and squat down while keeping your back straight.

Open Sesame

This is also good for opening the hips and additionally stretches the back, shoulders and legs. Sit across from your partner with legs spread and touch the soles of your feet together. Holding hands, take turns pulling one another’s arms.

The Goblet

Place your hands against the wall and imagine pulling your tailbone toward the sky and back toward your head. By curving the spine in this reverse direction, both the upper and lower back muscles are stretched.

The Trusting Turtle

Lie on your back with your feet up, legs slightly spread and knees bent. Have your partner press straight down on the soles of your feet. This will stretch the backs of the legs and lower back muscles.

Solo stretches

When a partner is unavailable, the following stretches can be practiced alone. These focus on the muscle groups in the forearms.

The Duck
With one hand, press down against the knuckles of the opposite hand. Switch hands and repeat.

Reverse Duck

Push the fingertips backwards with the opposite hand. This can be done either toward or away from yourself.

The Crab
With the left hand behind the right hand, place the left thumb under the pinky and intertwine the remaining fingers. Twist up in a counterclockwise motion. Repeat with the other hand.

The Backhand
Grip the meat of one hand with the opposite hand and press the thumb against the knuckles. Press out and away from yourself.

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