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Student government applications close

Photo illustration | Christian Profeta/PSU Vanguard

On March 20, students interested in running for Associated Students of Portland State student government turned in their elections packets, the application candidates must fill out in order to be eligible.

In total, three students applied for president, three for vice president, seven for the Student Fee Committee, and nine for Senate.

The SFC consists of eight members, and the Senate is made up of sixteen.

“There definitely could have been more people applying, but it’s good that there’s a good variety between slated and non-slated candidates,” said Coordinator of Student Government Relations Candace Avalos.

Students who submitted packets went through a GPA and credit requirement check. Candidates must have a minimum undergraduate GPA of 2.5 or graduate GPA of 3.0, be enrolled in six graded credits and be in good academic standing.

After the GPA and credit requirement check, two presidential candidates qualify, three vice presidents, six SFC, and all nine of those who applied for Senate.
“We will be sending them information via email with their next steps, like attendance of the orientation, for starters,” Avalos said. “That’s where most of the information will be communicated to them.”

The election packet includes basic student information, a list of their campaigning team, election schedule, rules and regulations, elections slate waiver, expenditure report, Candidate Referendum Disclosure Memo, Bylaws of the Elections Committee, ASPSU Elections Manual, and a signed agreement of all of the rules and regulations.

The Elections Committee Bylaws were recently added to the packet, and revisions to the Election Manual were voted on and passed by ASPSU.

The Judicial Board has also added an Elections Committee to run the elections and recruit students to vote.

Avalos said it’s too early right now to know if these changes will have a significant impact on the elections process; however, she said, “It’s helpful to have an up-to-date manual and a group of committed folks on the [Elections Committee].”

Once the final candidates are chosen, candidate orientations run March 30 until April 3. Students and faculty will be able to meet the candidates April 3, and campaigning begins April 6.

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