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Student thoughts on elections

The table from the voter registration tabling event hosted by ASPSU and the OSA. Serina Hersey/PSU Vanguard

The Oregon Student Association and the Associated Students of Portland State University hosted their first voter registration tabling event on March 28.

Students gathered around the table located in the Park Blocks around noon to register for the first time or re-register to change their address, name, party affiliation, etc. OSA student volunteers and staff assisted students in the process.

Students who attended the event were asked three questions:

Do you know what ASPSU is and what it does?
Will you be voting in the student elections?
What comments do you have about general elections?

Erin Corbin
Name: Erin Corbin
Major: Psychology

“They help out with different problems and issues at Portland State.”
“I usually don’t because it’s not on my priority list.”
“I think it’s interesting who’s running.”

Meghan Field
Name: Meghan Field
Major: Geography

“I know that they enter my classes once a year and ask us to register to vote. I haven’t seen them in my classes this year so I’m glad they have a table out in the Park Blocks so I can register to vote.”
“No, because I graduate in June.”
“I think it’s really important to be educated about who you vote for. Don’t just vote because popular media give this image about who’s right and who’s wrong. See what feels right with you. It really frustrates me how ignorant people can be toward this national election. As I get older, I notice how influenced the younger generations are by others.”

Name: Steven Ponec
Major: Art Practices

“A little bit. I know they represent the students at PSU and just by interacting with them I know they do the voter registration. That’s kind of about it.”
“Maybe. It depends how much information I know and if it will make a difference.”
“There’s so many things I can say. I’m sure people have said this already, but Trump is a horrible, racist, xenophobic person. Go Bernie.”

Name: Cesar Maldonado
Major: Liberal Studies

“I don’t think it matters more who wins the presidential elections, as long as we elect dependable congresswomen and men.”

Name: Alex Clemens
Major: Philosophy and Psychology

“No, I don’t know anything about any of the candidates.”
“I don’t understand why someone so belligerent and ridiculous and stupid as Donald Trump has any supporters.”

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