I want to start by emphasizing the above statement: This is a film where Rutger Hauer—best known for playing Roy Batty in Blade Runner and the titular killer in The…
‘Chameleon Street,’ Fascinating, forgotten and (mostly) factual
Chameleon Street, the only film by writer-director Wendell B. Harris Jr. is, in some ways, a classic American narrative. A young man (Harris) is unsatisfied with his life and decides…
‘La Noire de’ is a short and bitter upheaval of European cinema
Sometimes you don’t need your film to be two hours long to make an impact. La Noire de is a 50-minute condemnation of mid-century European attitudes toward Africans. The film…
The importance of independent foreign films
The Film Southasia Festival, hosted by Portland State in April and May, showcased rare documentaries and nonfiction films from South Asia. The films brought forth ongoing social and political issues…