Going, going, gonorrhea

Three antibiotic-resistant strains of gonorrhea, also known as superbugs, have been discovered in Spain, Japan and France. New data from the World Health Organization shows that gonorrhea, a common sexually…

This week around the world: July 15–21

July 16 Netherlands The Royal Dutch Medical Association rejected proposed legislation that would ease the process for individuals to kill themselves, saying such efforts would pressure people to end their…

Qatar-Gulf crisis deepens

Qatar leadership has refused to accept demands provided by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt, which if accepted would have ended sanctions on the country. A 13-point…

This week around the world: July 1–7

July 1 Sorriso, Brazil One of Brazil’s most notorious drug kingpins, Luiz Carlos da Rocha, was finally apprehended after eluding capture for over two decades with face-altering plastic surgeries and…