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The Rant & Rage: Believe it or not, this pisses me off

They yammer on and on about their way of life. Endlessly trying to convert those who don’t believe as they do. Given the chance, they will preach on and on about their life-changing dogma and the good it will do for others. And I’ve had it. I don’t care, you wretched, annoying atheists!

Yeah, that’s right, atheists! I can handle most religious nuts. But the stupidity of a nut who can’t see they’re just as crazy as the as the next faith freak is just too much for me.

Get this straight all you condescending, egotistical atheists: You dipshits most certainly do have a religion. It’s ironically called atheism! You witness its creed whenever you try to convert everyone around you to your way of thinking.

It’s one thing, in general, to not believe in higher powers, and that’s fine. Plenty of people live their lives peacefully believing as such. However, your frantic attempts to spread your word makes you just as guilty of the annoying superiority complex held by some believers you so despise.

Hmm, let’s see…I could either listen to someone pushing their religion on me, or listen to you aggressively espouse how not to believe. Either way, guilt is involved and, sadly, you come off a hell of a lot more like a pompous and arrogant bastard!

I really don’t care what you say; it takes as much “faith” to not have spirituality as it does to have a belief. The burden of proof that you so pathetically shove off onto believers is as much your burden as it is anyone’s. You’re still trying to prove something.

You have your tools: prepared arguments for the inevitable “why I’m an atheist” conversation, condescending religious insults or documentaries like Bill Maher’s Religulous. By the way, Bill Maher making a documentary on religion is about as credible as having a neo-Nazi skinhead direct a movie about Jewish suffering during the Holocaust.

Not all atheists are idiots like you, but there just seems to be a whole lot set out on a crusade to impose their “beliefs.” Just admit it, you’re as organized as any church. For example, the American Atheists, a group where one can tithe, er, I mean buy a membership. They have support for youth and family, oddly similar to church. They accept donations like your car, or boat, etc., just like other religious organizations. They even have winter solstice parties to combat the holiday season. That’s right, solstice parties. That event traditionally celebrated by, um, religions!

You guys really stick your heads up your collective keisters when it comes to politics, too. Who really gives a shit if a manger shows up during the holidays? Or the Ten Commandments, a historical reference to law (usually misprinted anyway), pop up around buildings of law! True, America is definitely not a nation of any religion. But let me clue your overconfident minds in on something. Religious people happen to live here too, not just you, in this America meant to represent us all. Militantly standing up for your rights as a non-religious person doesn’t mean religious people, in turn, lose theirs.

Perhaps you should create a new name for yourselves so you don’t start offending other atheists you don’t represent. Maybe you could just adopt the title of other organized belief’s bad apples, and just call yourselves hypocrites.


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