In my time at the Vanguard thus far, I’ve done my best to provide the Portland State student body with information regarding all the new and exciting stuff with which our very own Campus Rec provides us on a seemingly endless basis.
The rec center has what now?
In my time at the Vanguard thus far, I’ve done my best to provide the Portland State student body with information regarding all the new and exciting stuff with which our very own Campus Rec provides us on a seemingly endless basis. I’ve written about video-game bicycle hybrid workouts, medieval combat clubs, dance classes, weight training and so on. Unfortunately (or fortunately, as the case may be), there are many more interesting and fun offerings from Campus Rec that haven’t gotten much love from me. Perhaps this is because in the past I’ve narrowed my scope to cover only exercise- and fitness-related events. Well, no more! From here on out, I promise to try my darnedest to keep PSU students informed about all the fun stuff available through Campus Rec. Today, I’m giving some attention to Campus Rec’s lesser-known activities, such as trips and clinics. Where locations are not given, students can contact Campus Rec at or 503-725-5127 for details.
Clackamas River Whitewater Rafting Trip
Saturday, Feb. 5
8 a.m. departure
While I prefer “White Water” the pinball game, I suppose this could be quite a thrill, too. February weather will make for a chilly experience, but no worries, Campus Rec will provide wet suits and other necessary equipment. The trip is open to beginners and experienced rafters alike; the only condition is that participants must be prepared to paddle and to get thoroughly soaked. Registration is $35 for students and $70 for non-members. There is a pre-trip meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 2.
Trillium Lake Snowshoe Trip
Saturday, Feb. 12
8 a.m. departure
As it turns out, snowshoeing is real. It isn’t just in cartoons. And it isn’t walking around with tennis rackets on one’s feet, as I had long believed. The trip is open to students of all experience levels and is sure to be a fun time on the mountain. Registration is $25 for students and $50 for non-members. Equipment will be provided.
Navigation 101: Intro to Map and Compass
Wednesday, Feb. 16
5 p.m.–6:30 p.m.
Outdoor Program Lounge (Southwest Fifth and Harrison)
Let’s face it—most of us are gleefully spoiled by technology. Smart phones, dashboard GPS and a variety of other nifty technological advancements have provided us with greater navigational capabilities than our parents or grandparents could have ever managed. In Portland, though, vintage is cool, and it is doesn’t get much more old-school than a map and compass. This event will teach would-be explorers how to properly utilize a topographical map, compass and other navigational tools that aren’t battery-powered.
Basic Wilderness First Aid
Tuesday, March 1
6 p.m.–7:30 p.m.
Outdoor Program Lounge
(Southwest Fifth and Harrison)
This clinic will cover the basic first aid procedures one might need to perform on a wilderness trip. Participants will be presented with situations and examples concerning wounds, blisters, hypothermia, heat exhaustion and more. Plenty of stuff can go awry while having fun in the great outdoors, and participants will learn how to handle these common mishaps.
Rock Climbing Technical Seminar
Tuesday and Wednesday, March 1 and 2
8 a.m. departure
I’m gonna be a straight-shooter—the mere thought of rock climbing makes me cower like a girly man. I’ll let Campus Rec describe this one for me: “This is an intensive workshop created specifically to prepare individual climbers with the skills necessary to set out on their own outdoor climbing trip. Skills to be covered include anchor construction and cleaning, rappelling, basic self-rescue techniques and safe top rope setup. Prerequisite: Have proficient basic rock climbing skills and/or receive consent from the instructors.”
There is a fee of $60 for students and $120 for non-members.
For additional information on these activities and many more, visit