Today’s Calendar
Thursday, February 7
6-7:30 Tribute to the Black Men. Part of Black History and Heritage Month. Sponsored by the NAACP at Portland State University. Event located in SMC 234 and 236.
Saturday, February 9
6:30-11:30 p.m. Traditional Chinese Spring Festival Evening. Traditional Chinese performances, include singing, dancing, kung fu, etc. Everyone is welcome. For more information contact Presented by the Association of Chinese Students and Scholars.
Tuesday, February 12
Noon-2 p.m. Mardi Gras Pancake Party. Pancakes, contest and fun! Prizes as well. Come if you can. Presented by Campus Ministry. Located in the Campus Ministry K- House. Admission is fee. For more information contact Elizabeth at 503-226-7807.
Wednesday, February 13
Noon Ecumenical Ash Wednesday Service. Observe the beginning of the Lenten season with a time of reflection in community. Presented by Campus Ministry. Located in the Campus Ministry K- House. Admission is fee. For more information contact Elizabeth at 503-226-7807.
Now -Thursday, March 7
5:15-6:45 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays Hip-hop dance workshop with Mariecella Devine. Mariecella teaches an enticing combination of hip-hop moves with a personal flair. Classes are open to all levels. Presented by the PSU World Dance Office. Located in the Peter Stott Center Room 207. Admission is $3 for PSU students. For more information contact Christine Stapleton at 503-725-5670.
Tuesday, February 5
11 a.m.-12 p.m. Resume Preparation Workshop. Get the latest information on how to write effective resumes and cover letters. Located in the Career Center USB 402. For more information contact the Career Center at 503-725-4613.
Wednesday, February 6
11-11:30 a.m. Finding a Job Through PSU Career Connect. Learn how to use PSU Career Connect, an online database to access employers and on-campus recruiting. Located in the Career Center USB 402. For more information contact the Career Center at 503-725-4613.
Friday, February 8
Noon-1 p.m. Making the Most of Career Information Day. Career Information Day is an annual networking event sponsored by the PSU Career Center. Learn what to expect and how to prepare for Career Information Day. Part of “Fridays with the PSU Career Center. Event located in NH 491F. For more information contact the career center at 503-725-4613.
Saturday, February 9
1-4 p.m.Center for Excellence in Writing Workshop. Time and Support for Creating Your Work: How to Secure Residency. Tricia Snell will discuss the value of an artists’ community experience and offer tips for securing a residency. The workshop is $30 and space is limited. Event located in NH 407. For information how to register call 503-725-3579 or email
Monday, February 11
2-4 p.m. MBTI & Career Choice Session II. Understand how your personality and skills relate to careers and how to explore careers that fit your skills and interests. You must attend all three sessions. Located in the Career Center USB 402. For more information contact the Career Center at 503-725-4613.
Tuesday, February 12
1-3p.m. Introduction to Interviewing Workshop. Learn Specific strategies to further develop you interviewing skills. This in-depth workshop will provide on what employers expect from candidates during interviews.
Monday, February 18
2-4 p.m. MBTI & Career Choice Session III. Understand how your personality and skills relate to careers and how to explore careers that fit your skills and interests. You must attend all three sessions. Located in the Career Center USB 402. For more information contact the Career Center at 503-725-4613.
Wednesday February 13
7-9:30 p.m. “Word and Hand” Panel Discussion. The six artists and writers who are participating in the “Word and Hand 2” show this month will be having a panel discussion about heir work. Located in the Littman Galley SMC 250. For more information contact Karl at 503-725-5656.
Thursday, February 7
5:30 p.m. Staged Reading Series. Staged readings of two plays: Michael Webber’s “Dirty Lucy” and Michael Cooper’s “Bound.” Presented by TASO. Event in located in LH 115, Studio Theater. Admission is free.
Thursday, February 14 through Saturday, February 16
“Vagina Monologues.” The PSU Women’s Resources Center presents a benefit for the Portland Women’s Crisis Line and the Middle East Women’s Empowerment and Resource Center. The performance will take place in SMC 355 ballroom. Tickets are on sale now at Ticketmaster. Admission is $7 for students/seniors and $12 general admission. For more information contact the Women’s Resource Center at 503-725-9255 or e-mail at
Thursday February 7
7-7 p.m.First Thursday. Opening reception for the “Word & Hand 2” show in the Littman Gallery. A special presentation in honor of Black History Month of “If Pain Were Water” by artist Douglas Harper in the White Gallery. Presented by the Art Committee. Admission is free. Contact Karl at 503-725-5656 for more information.
Thursday, February 7 through Thursday, February 28
Tenth Annual Best of Oregon High school Art Show. Neuberger Hall, Gallery 299.
Liz Charman. Neuberger Hall, Autzen Gallery.
Tuesday, February 12
Noon MFA Lecture Series: Amy Ruedinger, ’03. Neuberger Hall 204.
Wednesday, February 13
7 p.m. Video Showing of “Sonia Sanchez.” Part of a Black History Month Celebration presented by the Radical Women. The movie “Sonia Sanchez” features this poet, playwright, teacher and activist through interview and readings from “homegirls & handgrenades” and “Under a Soprano Sky.” There will be a post-film dialogue. Meeting is free and open to the public. Event is located 819 N. Killingsworth. For more information call 503-240-4462.
Friday, February 8
7 p.m. Nathaniel Loomis, bass-baritone Senior Recital. The performance includes selections from Brahms, Mozart, Barber and French songs. The PSU String Quartet will accompany Loomis. Presented by the Music Department. Located in LH 75.
Noon PSU Think Lincoln Concert Series. A free concert series paid for by student fees, features jazz and classical music styles. Many artists are nationally recognized. Student groups such as PSU Orchestra also perform. Professional musicians most frequently perform Tuesday concerts. Presented by the Student Music Committee, affiliated with the Student Development Office. Event location LH 75.
Noon PSU Think Lincoln Concert Series featuring jazz and classical music styles. PSU musicians most frequently perform Thursday concerts. Presented by the Student Music Committee, affiliated with the Student Development Office. Event location LH 75.
The Family Center Outreach, a program of Volunteers of America, has opened its doors in Southeast Portland to provide services to women and their children who are survivors of domestic violence. This new community resource provides free support groups and drop-in services. For more information contact Natalie at 503-771-5503.
If you are a woman who has a physically abusive female partner, call the 24-hour crisis line, 503-281-2442, or women-battered-by-women support groups at 503-232-7805 or 503-289-6869, ext. 11. NH basement.
12:30-2 p.m. ASPSU executive meeting. Come watch your Student Government Executive Committee process at work! Open to the public. Meeting located in the ASPSU office in SMC 47. For more information contact the main office at 503-725-3454.
6-8 p.m. Got issues? Are you worried about the erosion of our civil liberties? Concerned and want to do something about it? Join the College Republicans and practice your right to free speech. Meetings are in SMC 229. For more information contact
Noon-1 p.m. Returning Women Students Eating Lunch Together. SMC 225. For more information call 503-725-5471.
2-3 p.m. The Portland State University Baha’i Student Association holds weekly meetings. The association wants to inform people of the Baha’i faith. Come to a meeting to find out more information in SMC 229.
3-4:30 p.m. Interpersonal Therapy Group (co-ed). For more information contact Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at 503-725-4423. CAPS is located in SMC Room M343.
4 p.m. Afternoon Prayer: Attentive Listening. Join others in this informal, meditative service of readings, prayers and music. A time to quiet your soul in the midst of the busy pace of school. Event located at the Campus Ministry Building. For more information contact Elizabeth Winslea at 503-226-7807 ext. 104.
4-5:30 p.m. Counselor Education Graduate Student Group. For more information contact Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at 503-725-4423. CAPS is located in SMC Room M343.
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Returning Women Students Eating Lunch Together. SMC 229. For more information call 503-725-5471.
12-1 p.m. ASPSU Senate Meeting. Your student senators make a lot of decisions about how student government works on this campus. Come see how it all happens! Open to the public. Meetings located in SMC browsing lounge. For more information contact the main office at 503-725-3454.
3-4:30 p.m. ADHD Group. For more information contact Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at 503-725-4423. CAPS is located in SMC Room M343.
5-6:30 p.m. Experience Rhythm in a New Way. A new way of learning and understanding rhythm through simultaneously stepping, clapping and speaking. Presented by Mary H. Kogen, professor of music in LH 75.
12:30-1:30 p.m. Free meditation. Art of Living Club presents free meditation every Thursday. In SMC 329 3/14. In SMC 229 2/7, 2/14, 2/21, 3/7 and 3/21. In SMC 328 on 2/28. For more information contact Deanne Winfree at 503-618-7564 or e-mail at
2-3:30 p.m. Interpersonal Therapy Group (co-ed). For more information contact Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at 503-725-4423. CAPS is located in SMC Room M343.
4-5 p.m. Beta Alpha Psi. Opportunities to network with fellow students and professionals in various fields of accounting. Guest speakers from various companies will be speaking bi-weekly. Come and enjoy free food and drink and find out how to join. Event SBA 140. For more information Lexy Dale Henken at
4-5:30 p.m. Students for Unity. Come lend a hand to social change. Find out about our current campaign Move the Money, peace and justice and many more exciting opportunities. See you there! Meet in SMC 225. For more information contact Students for Unity at 503-725-8777.
4-5:30 p.m. Sexual Minorities. For more information contact Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at 503-725-4423. CAPS is located in SMC Room M343.
4:30-6:30 p.m. Chinese Corner. Chinese speakers, both native and non-native, get together for conversation. The objective is to bring together different cultures in an environment that supports learning of a second language for both Chinese and English speakers. Meetings are held at the Meetro.
1-2:30 p.m. Women’s Interpersonal Therapy. For more information contact Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at 503-725-4423. CAPS is located in SMC Room M343.
Saturday, February 9
10 a.m. The Portland Center for the Performing Arts will hold a Volunteer Informational Meeting. Opportunities to volunteer include staffing the gift shop/information booth, answering phones and conducting tours. The meeting will take place in the Winningstad Theatre, 1111 S.W. Broadway. If you are interested in joining the cast and crew or would like more information contact Margie Humpreys at 503-274-6552.
Mercy Corps is seeking tax-deductible donations of PCs/part. Please help create free computer training and communication/Internet access centers. Mercy Corps is a Portland based nonprofit that is working 24 poor countries. For more information contact Matthew at 503-796-6803 or email at
Portland Women’s Crisis Line is in need of volunteers to advocate for victims and survivors of domestic and sexual violence. Advocates provide services including 24-hour crisis intervention on the hotline, legal advocacy and sexual assault victims’ advocacy. Free basic advocacy training provided. Training will be held Jan. 23 through Feb. 11 on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6-9 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. For more information call 503-232-4176.
Soup kitchen visits. We will be going to a soup kitchen to help with lunch on the second and fourth Saturday of each month. Meet between Neuberger and Smith at 9:30 a.m. Presented by OSPIRG. Call 503-725-4500 to confirm.
The Volunteer Alert is back. Check out the opportunities to help REACH and contact us to sign up or to get more information. Go to for more details.
Hyalite is a nonprofit organization that needs volunteers with grant writing skills. Volunteers will be writing grant support to complete historical documentaries about African-Americans during the Civil War and African Americans during the movement west. Send resumes to or call 503-220-8282.
The Metropolitan Human Rights Center is seeking knowledgeable and experienced people interested in becoming volunteer trainers on issues regarding diversity, human rights and much more. Please contact Michelle Neal at 503-823-5284 if interested.
Oregon Partnership is an organization dedicated to changing lives through substance abuse prevention, education and referrals. The partnership is currently looking for volunteers to work on its various programs. For more information call 503-244-5211.
Clackamas Women’s Services has many opportunities for compassionate, open-minded women who want to help women and children survivors of domestic and sexual violence. You may also be able to earn college credit if you are a current student. We are currently seeking volunteers for days, evenings or weekends. For more information call 503-654-2807.
Wish you could do something to help end domestic and sexual violence? The Bradley-Angle House is looking for volunteers to work its 24-hour crisis line, staff emergency shelter and transitional houses, work with children’s groups and serve on the board of directors. The organization is also seeking volunteers to do administrative and maintenance work. The Bradley-Angle House provides quality service for women and children of all races, religions, sexual orientations, ages and backgrounds. Ongoing education regarding homophobia, racism and oppression is required of all staff volunteers. Please call and donate your services at 503-282-9940. Make a difference!
Shelter/Domestic Violence Resource Center is looking for caring individuals to volunteer and make a difference in the lives of women and children. There are many opportunities to share your skills and all are invited to apply. No prior experience is necessary as comprehensive training is provided. If you are interested, please contact Rebecca at 503-640-5352.
Transition Projects has a year-round need for hygiene items like soap, shampoo and razors, as well as blankets. Volunteers are needed year-round to help serve and supply food at the Clark Center and also the Glisan Street Shelter. Call 503-823-5845 for more information.