Today’s Calendar
special events
Now-Saturday, April 19
KPSU Annual Pledge Drive. KPSU is Portland’s only free-format college radio station. The KPSU Pledge Drive is an annual event designed to raise funds for the radio station, and those funds help KPSU expand its broadcast capabilities. During the drive, live bands such as Green Circles, Digital Knife, the High Violets, the Upsidedown, Roses and Hellpets, Trick Sensei, 6FG and much more will perform live during various programs. The pledge drive is located at KPSU in SMSU S18.
Saturday, April 12
10 a.m.-5 p.m. 19th Annual Great Hunger Cleanup. A day of service and activism in the face of Oregon’s hunger problems. Presented by OSPRIG. Event located in the South Park Blocks, in front of SMSU. For more information, call Jocelyn Pitman at 503-725-4500.
3:30 p.m. Students, teachers, staff and alumni are invited to march for peace in Iraq on in Waterfront Park, in downtown Portland, the next big rally and march against the first strike invasion and war on Iraq. As part of a national day of protest, the April 12 Portland march is endorsed and supported by PSU Progressive Student Union, PSU Green Party and NWCPJ (NW Campuses for Peace & Justice, the cross-college antiwar, antiglobalization coalition). A feeder march will start from Park Blocks by Smith Center at 3 p.m. For more information, call 503-725-7798, or e-mail
Saturday, May 10 and Sunday, May 11
10 a.m.-6p.m. (5/10) and 10a.m.-5p.m. (5/11) Natural Style Homes & Gardens Expo. This new expo will feature informational booths, speakers and workshops showcasing healthful and sustainably oriented products, ideas and services for homes and gardens. Admission for the expo will be a suggested $2 donation. The expo will offer healthy home and garden ideas while raising money to benefit the Multnomah Education Service District Outdoor School in critical danger of budget-imposed closure. The expo will take place at 1000 N.E. Multnomah, in the Portland-Lloyd Center DoubleTree Convention Hall. For additional details, please visit
Now through Thursday, May 29
6-7:30p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays The PSU World Dance Office presents an eight-week Afro-Cuban and Afro-Brazilian Dance Workshop at PSU. The class is an enticing repertoire of Afro-Cuban and Afro-Brazilian folkloric dances with a personal flair. Event located in the Peter Stott Center, Room 207. No pre-registration necessary. Cost per class is $8 for general public and $6 for PSU faculty, staff, alumni, seniors and non-PSU students. PSU student cost is $4 per class. Call 503-725-5670 for further information.
Thursday, April 10
Noon-1 p.m. Test-Taking Workshop. Part of a study skills workshop series presented by Dan Fortmiller. All workshops are free and limited to the first 15 attendees, so come early! Event located in SMSU 425, Call 503-725-4005 if you have questions about the workshops.
1-2 p.m. Writing Resumes and Cover Letters. Get the latest information on how to write effective resumes and cover letters. This workshop is specifically target to PSU students and alumni. Event located in the Career Center in 402 USB. For more information, call 503-725-4613.
Thursday, April 17
6:30-8:30 p.m. PSU’s Community Development Club, Engage Portland, Food for Thought Caf퀌� and NW RAGE are bringing Thai farmers to speak on campus. They will speak about the current jasmine rice issues in Thailand and the interdependencies between their way of life and Americans. More generally, there will be a discussion of globalization, peasant movements within Thailand, sustainable agriculture, along with intellectual property rights and indigenous knowledge. In addition to the visitors from Thailand, PSU professors Pramod Parajuli, Veronica Dujon and Andrew Butz will join Mark DesMaret of NW RAGE for a panel discussion on genetically engineered food, free trade, globalization and deceptive marketing. Event located in SMSU 228 in the Multicultural Center.
Saturday, April 19
11 a.m.-Noon PSU Friends of History and the Oregon Historical Society present Dr. Richard Etulain. Etulain will speak on “The Perils and Problems of Writing a History of the American West.” Etulain is an emeritus professor of history at the University of New Mexico. The event is located in the Madison Room at Oregon Health Science. The OHS is located at 1200 S.W. Park Ave.
Thursday, April 10
4 p.m. Hunger Clean-Up Information Meeting. Come find out how to get involved in the hunger cleanup. Presented by OSPIRG. Event located in SMSU M114. For more information, call Jocelyn Pitman at 503-725-4500.
4-5p.m. Association of African Students (AAS) Meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to update members about African Cultural Night and about the organization. AAS is also looking for models for the African Culture Night Fashion Show and volunteers for the Harambe Dinner, which is scheduled for April 10 at 6 p.m. in the ballroom of SMC. If you want to participate, please feel free to call or e-mail Jumah at 971-506-4235 or at Event located in SMSU 228 in the Multicultural Center.
4-5:30p.m. Beta Alpha Psi Meeting. Join us for the first meeting of spring quarter! All accounting and finance majors are invited to attend. Get tips on how to prepare yourself for fall recruiting. Enjoy free food and refreshments. Event located SBA 190. For more information, visit us at our office in SBA 390.
Purposeful Performing Arts. Interested in the performing arts, but not necessarily a performing arts major? This is for you! We are looking for actors, scriptwriters, visual artists, but especially those with interest, enthusiasm and vision. Express the deeper meanings in life through shorter scripts. We present during worship services on campus and throughout the city. Presented by Campus Ministry. For more information, please contact Elizabeth by phone at 503-226-7807, Ext. 104, or by e-mail at
Saturday, April 26
2:30-4:30 p.m. “A Brief Flight: Hazel Ying Lee and the Women Who Flew Pursuit,” a film screening and discussion featuring the true story of Hazel Ying Lee, a Chinese-American aviator during the 1930s and 1940s. A pioneer in women’s aviation in both the United States and China, Lee went on to become one pilot among an elite group of women who flew fighter planes for the United States Army. Event located in Hoffmann Hall.
Sliding-Scale Mental Health Counseling. The YWCA Counseling Center offers sliding-fee-scale individual and couples therapy for all genders. Lowest fee is $12. Within walking distance of PSU. Support groups also available for women survivors of childhood abuse, lesbian support, women’s anger management and multicultural support. Services provided by he YWCA, 111 S.W. 10th Ave. For more information, call 503-294-7440.
The Family Center Outreach, a program of Volunteers of America, has opened its doors in Southeast Portland to provide services to women and children who are survivors of domestic violence. It provides free support groups and drop-in services. For more information, contact Natalie at 503-771-5503.
If you are a woman who has an abusive woman partner (physical, verbal, emotional, sexual), you can call the 24-hour crisis line at 503-281-2442, or call the women-battered-by-women support group at 503-232-7805, ext. 3.
weekly events
3-3:30 p.m. Daily Centering Prayer. Event located in the upstairs chapel of Koinonia House. A 30-minute silence will be observed. All are welcome. Regular attendance not required. Come as often as you please. For more information, contact Chris at 503-226-780, ext. 105, or e-mail
8 a.m.-5 p.m. Peer Tutorial Center. Free tutoring in math, science, writing, foreign languages and accounting for PSU students. Pick up a schedule or check us out on the Web at Services located in SMSU 425.
11 a.m. Chess Club Meeting. Games are informal and friendly. All skill levels welcome. Don’t know how to play? No problem. Want a challenge? Strong players are invited as well. For event, locations check or SMSU information locations. Contact Justin Myers at for further information.
Noon Progressive Student Union and PSU Green Party will hold joint weekly meetings spring term on antiwar, antiglobalization organizing projects, including: closing School of the Americas in Ft. Benning, Ga.; the Coke boycott for human rights and the environment; and Taco Bell boycott for a living wage for Florida farm workers. Event located in SMSU 225. For more details, call 503-725-7798, or
6 p.m. Film Night. The Donald Rumsfeld “Old Europe” Film Festival features all non-English films (with subtitles) from Belgium, France, Germany and Italy. Little-seen films include movies that address women’s rights, labor organizing and resistance to an elected leader in 1930s Germany who believed in a “first strike” war policy. Admission is free. Teachers are welcome to bring their classes. Event located in SMSU 225. Cosponsored by PSU Progressive Student Union, PSU Green Party, Students for Unity and the PSU conflict resolution department. For more details, call 503-725-7798, or
Noon-1 p.m. Returning Women Students Lunch. Meet with other returning women students and get help with issues relating to adjusting to school life, organization skills and balancing study time with family responsibilities. Bring your lunch and meet in SMSU 323.
2-3:30 p.m. Interpersonal Effectiveness (a skill-building group). If you are interested in joining, call CAPS at 503-725-4423 to schedule an informational interview with the group leader.
3 p.m. Stop Hunger and Homelessness. Meet to get involved with service or help solve institutionalized problems of hunger and homelessness. Event presented by OSPIRG. Event located in SMSU M103. For more information, call Bret Davis at 503-725-4500.
4 p.m. OSPIRG Meeting. Open community meeting: Come get informed, updated and involved. Event presented by OSPIRG. Event located in SMSU M103. For more information, call Reina Abolofia at 503-725-4500.
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Returning Women Students Lunch. Meet with other returning women students and get help with issues relating to adjusting to school life, organization skills and balancing study time with family responsibilities. Bring your lunch and meet in SMSU 323.
4-5:30 p.m. Counselor Education Graduate Student Group. If you are interested in joining, call CAPS at 503-725-4423 to schedule an informational interview with the group leader.
4-5:30 p.m. Sexual Minorities Group. If you are interested in joining, call CAPS at 503-725-4423 to schedule an informational interview with the group leader.
Noon Women’s Spirituality Discussion Group. An open and safe space for women to discuss issues of Christian faith. Interdenominational/ecumenical. We share stories, experiences and questions to help each other define our spirituality. People of all spiritual backgrounds welcome. Event located in the Campus Ministry Building, the Koinonia House. For more information, contact Mara Kelly at
Noon-1 p.m. Returning Women Students Lunch. Meet with other returning women students and get help with issues relating to adjusting to school life, organization skills and balancing study time with family responsibilities. Bring your lunch and meet in SMSU 323.
4 p.m. Chess Club Meeting. Games are informal and friendly. All skill levels welcome. Don’t know how to play? No problem. Want a challenge? Strong players are invited as well. For locations, check or SMSU information locations. Contact Justin Myers at for further information.
5 p.m. The Pacific Islanders Club Meeting. The club is working on this year’s luau and fund-raising events. Visit our Web site at for a calendar of events and to find out meeting locations. Dance practices for our luau have started every Saturday, too. Everyone is invited to join.
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Returning Women Students Lunch. Meet with other returning women students and get help with issues relating to adjusting to school life, organization skills and balancing study time with family responsibilities. Bring your lunch and meet in the SMSU 323.
1-2:20 p.m. Interpersonal Therapy Group Co-Ed. If you are interested in joining, call CAPS at 503-725-4423 to schedule an informational interview with the group leader.
3-4:30 p.m. Interpersonal Therapy Group Co-Ed. If you are interested in joining, call CAPS at 503-725-4423 to schedule an informational interview with the group leader.
7:30 p.m. The Edge. Come join other PSU students for fellowship, worship and a reading the word from the Bible. Presented by the Campus Crusade for Christ. Event located in SMSU North Cafeteria. For more information visit
1-2:20 p.m. Interpersonal Therapy Group Co-Ed. If you are interested in joining, call CAPS at 503-725-4423 to schedule an informational interview with the group leader.
1 p.m. Worship Service. Event located in SMSU 323. For more information, call 503-247-8387.
7 p.m.-midnight Role Playing. Ever interested in role-playing? We are looking for all levels of people who are open-minded, enjoy great conversations and want to role-play. We play “Vampire,” “Abbert,” “Mage” and “Dungeons and Dragons.” Event located in CH study cove. Presented by students of PSU. For more information, contact Kristie at 503-771-9497, or e-mail at
volunteer opportunities
Help homeless youth and persons of low income in the community by volunteering at Outside IN in downtown Portland. Work in the medical clinic, the employment resource center or the youth drop-in daycare center; or pick up donations, cook a hot meal or bring your own unique talent to share. Come join us at this fun place to serve your community while gaining valuable experience. Contact Erica Rumpel at or call 503-234-6395. You can also check out for additional information.
Oregonians for Health Security is seeking committed students to participate in its 2003 legislative campaign to bring a more quality, affordable and secure health-care system to Oregon. We are looking for interns to help with legislation, communications and health-care policy. Interns will be asked to help with event planning and implementation, health-care policy research and community outreach, just to name a few. Please inquire to Andrea at, or by calling 503-655-2793.
Special Olympics is seeking volunteers. The positions available are with coaches, assistants, chaperones, outreach, fund-raising, training and special events. For more information, call 503-649-9167, ext.4; or call 1-800-595-2860, ext. 4.
Simon Benson House visitor’s center greeter/receptionist volunteer positions available. Volunteers are asked to work either a three-hour half-shift or a full six-hour shift at one time. If possible, volunteers are encouraged to volunteer six-12 hours per month or more if interested. For more information, contact Mary Coniglio, assistant director of alumni relations and Simon Benson House coordinator, at 503-725-5073, or
Oregon Food Bank is looking for volunteers to assist in nutrition-education classes for low-income residents of Portland. Three different classes teach adults, children and parents and children about meal planning and preparation, nutrition, and budgeting. Volunteers should have a love of working with diverse populations and a love for cooking, food and nutrition. For more information, contact Julie Webber of the Oregon Food Bank at 503-419-4183.
Hyalite is a nonprofit organization that needs volunteers with grant-writing skills. Volunteers will be writing grant support to complete historical documentaries about African Americans during the Civil War and African Americans during the movement West. Send resumes to, or call 503-220-8282.
Mercy Corps ( is seeking tax-deductible donations of PCs and computer parts. Please help create free computer training and communication/Internet access centers. Mercy Corps is a Portland-based nonprofit that is working in more than 30 poor countries. For more information, contact Matthew at 503-796-6803, or e-mail
The Volunteer Alert is back. Check out opportunities to help REACH, and contact us to sign up or to get more information. Go to for more details.
Oregon Partnership is an organization dedicated to changing lives through substance-abuse prevention, education and referrals. The partnership is currently looking for volunteers to work on its various programs. For more information, call 503-244-5211.
Clackamas Women’s Services has many opportunities for compassionate, open-minded women who want to help women and children survivors of domestic and sexual violence. You may also be able to earn college credit if you are a current student. We are currently seeking volunteers for days, evenings or weekends. For more information, call 503-654-2807.
Wish you could do something to help end domestic and sexual violence? The Bradley-Angle House is looking for volunteers to work on its 24-hour crisis line, staff emergency shelter and transitional houses, work with children’s groups and serve on the board of directors. The organization is also seeking volunteers to do administrative and maintenance work. The Bradley-Angle House provides quality service for women and children of all races, religions, sexual orientations, ages and backgrounds. Ongoing education regarding homophobia, racism and oppression is required of all staff volunteers. Please call and donate your services at 503-282-9940. Make a difference!
Shelter/Domestic Violence Resource Center is looking for caring individuals to volunteer and make a difference in the lives of women and children. There are many opportunities to share your skills. All are invited to apply. No prior experience is necessary, as comprehensive training is provided. If you are interested, please contact Rebecca at 503-640-5352.
Transition Projects has a year-round need for hygiene items such as soap, shampoo and razors, as well as blankets. Volunteers are needed year-round to help serve and supply food at Clark Center and Glisan Street Shelter. Call 503-823-5845 for more information.