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Tuition equity update

Supporters and opponents of House Bill 2787 on tuition equity testify at a public hearing in Salem. (See if you can spot PSU President Wim Wiewel, one of the bill’s supporters.) Photo © Bruce Ely/The Oregonian
Supporters and opponents of House Bill 2787 on tuition equity testify at a public hearing in Salem. (See if you can spot PSU President Wim Wiewel, one of the bill’s supporters.) Photo © Bruce Ely/The Oregonian

SALEM, Ore.—A bill allowing illegal immigrants to pay in-state tuition at Oregon universities has cleared its first legislative hurdle.

A House committee approved the measure on Monday, sending it to a vote in the full House.

Oregon requires university students to pay higher out-of-state tuition if they can’t prove they are legally in the United States. The bill’s supporters say young illegal immigrants shouldn’t be denied access to affordable higher education because of their parents’ decision to migrate without authorization.

Critics say the state shouldn’t subsidize college tuition for people who can’t legally work in the United States.

The measure has support from lawmakers of both parties and could come up for a House vote as soon as Friday.

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