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University recognizes student leaders

Portland State University’s student leaders were honored at this year’s Student Leader Recognition Night with a dinner and award ceremony last week.

Sara Ackerson of student development said that each year student development has some kind of event recognizing students. This was the first year awards were given out.

“This year, we really wanted to hold an event that recognized student leaders in a more formal way,” Ackerson said.

Student Development recognized five outstanding student leaders, and five outstanding events.

The NAACP at Portland State was recognized as Outstanding Student Organization.

The recipients of the five Outstanding Student Leaders awards were: Elizabeth Fowler of the outdoor program, Dramaine Irions of the black cultural affairs board and Kappa Alpha Si, Shaun Marks of Queers and Allies, Irene Schwoeffermann of the NAACP at PSU and Solomon Teckle of the Association of African Students.

The five outstanding events were: 21st Annual African Cultural Night, put on by the Association of African Students; 25th Annual International Night, put on by Organization of International Students; Queer Millennium Prom, put on by Queers and Allies; Harvest Fair, put on by Students Building Better Communities and the 10th Annual Party in the Park, put on by Student Development.

According to Ackerson, the awards were based on nominations made by student leaders. All were invited to nominate.

Nickole Cheron, a Portland State Ambassador and a coordinator of the event, said it was hard for to decide who should be nominated because all the student leaders on campus do such outstanding work.

Cheron said that the Student Development Office put on this event, as a “thank you” for everyone’s hard work this school year.

The recipients of the awards received a framed certificate of recognition and a gift certificate to the bookstore.

Dean Marvin Kaiser was the keynote speaker. He discussed leadership and its roles.

A video on student development filmed by Molly Stack, a graduate student, was shown. The film showcased various student leaders and events.

There were over 150 students and guests in attendance. Ackerson and Cheron, along with Michele Toppe and Margaret Banyan, coordinated the event.

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