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 Walmart sure has left a bad impression upon quite a few people. Complaints range from bad economical impact, job loss, poor labor practices, anti-union stances…the list goes on and on.

Walmart sure has left a bad impression upon quite a few people. Complaints range from bad economical impact, job loss, poor labor practices, anti-union stances…the list goes on and on.

In 2005, Robert Greenwald produced a documentary film Walmart: The High Cost of Low Price that tore the corporation apart on a variety of issues. The debate continues to flood the Internet with Web sites such as www.walmartwatch.com, a watchdog group, and www.peopleofwalmart.com, an unfavorable photo collection of various Walmart patrons.

However, many claim that Walmart has certain positive impacts, and the company has been making an effort to remodel its image. In recent years the company has included healthier, organic and all natural foods on its shelves, while also promoting its commitment to sustainable and environmentally safe practices.

Walmart has also helped pioneer the trend of low-cost medications through their $4 prescription program. According to the company’s Web site, the program has helped consumers save over $2 billion. This could be a very helpful program in the face of America’s overwhelming health care costs.

So which is it? Is Walmart good or bad? Should Portland allow the retailer to build another store here? Write us at the Vanguard and tell us what you think. Leave a comment online or email us at [email protected]