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Not yo’ mama’s grilled cheese

A goat-cheese twist on the classic standby

Grilled cheese sandwiches are a staple of American food culture, a classic that you can never really tire of. Cheese and bread were just meant to be together. Love at first sight.

But if you’re looking to kick the old recipe up a notch, try this out. By combining the power of goats and cows, this sandwich presents a delicious twist with two different cheeses! Crisp green apple slices give this meal an added crunch between the melted goodness. And what meal isn’t made better with a little bacon?

Great for lunch, breakfast, dinner, midnight snacks and any occasion in between, this sandwich is warm and filling, the perfect comfort food after a long day of classes and Portland’s winter rain.

Drew Martig / Vanguard Staff
Bite me: Try out this jazzed-up variation on the old cheesy theme.

2 large slices sourdough bread
3 thick-cut strips of bacon
1/2 green apple, thinly sliced
4 slices sharp cheddar cheese
1/4 cup crumbled goat cheese
1 stalk green onion, finely diced
Freshly ground black pepper

In a frying pan over medium-high heat, lay out strips of bacon and cook 4 to 6 minutes, flipping often until bacon is crispy, then set aside. Drain pan of grease and return to stovetop.

Now build your sandwich: laying down one slice of sourdough, 2 slices sharp cheddar cheese, apple slices, crumbled goat cheese, freshly ground black pepper, green onion, bacon and finally 2 more slices of cheddar and the other slice of bread. Delicately lay in frying pan and let cook 3 minutes on each side, or until bread is golden brown and cheese is melted.

Slice sandwich diagonally (it tastes better that way) and chow down!

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