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You did what??

There are many things that men do during sex to turn a woman on, but there are also many things that they do which are complete passion-killers. It appears that guys are completely oblivious to what they say and do in the bedroom. A compilation of experiences and nightmares have been put together here to educate men everywhere. Read and be wise.

To begin with, why do men insist on wearing socks? It’s understandable if you are also wearing your shirt and pants, but just socks? There’s nothing more comical than a naked man with socks halfway up his calves. If your intent is to make her laugh, this will work. Just don’t count on being named the best lay she’s ever had.

The next mistake men make is a phenomenon I like to call verbal ejaculations. Apparently men have a tough time holding their thoughts in-especially in the heat of the moment. Phrases like “you dirty little whore” and “I’m spreading my seed in you” are not the sweet nothings women desire to hear. Also, if you’re going call out her name, please say the right one. Nothing is worse than being mistaken for an ex-girlfriend or the hooker on the corner.

Sometimes a little hair-pulling while doing the deed can be a turn on. However, if a woman can grab hold of a man’s back hair, it is definitely time for a waxing. Men, pay attention to your personal hygiene. No one likes to envision themselves getting down and dirty with a chimpanzee.

Some men are lucky enough to find a girl that will let them do the hanky panky without a condom. If you choose to do so, make sure you have a plan of action. Do not pull out and perform the sprinkler effect. Rotten tapioca pudding doesn’t taste good and neither does your stuff. Be kind enough to forewarn her. Otherwise, wrap it.

Multi-tasking is typically considered common for women. Apparently some men feel the need to multi-task while getting down and dirty. Why do you feel the need to eat, watch TV or talk on the phone while having sex? A woman needs to feel appreciated, and ignoring her isn’t going to do the trick.

Finally, we all understand that passing gas is a natural occurrence. Women have come to terms with that. However, please refrain from doing so while getting it on. Going from pure bliss to sheer nausea because of the pungent scent you have produced is not romantic. Hold it in.

It is the belief of many women that performing these acts will lower your chances of getting laid. No scientific research has been performed; however, the previously mentioned scenarios are not made up. These are real situations with real people. So men, the next time you feel like pulling one of these blunders, remember that you will be made fun of … possibly over and over.

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