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You go, girl!

Despite writing a novel based on the feudal system of medieval Europe, George R.R. Martin has managed to create many strong and compelling female characters in his fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire. Headstrong Cersei Lannister, independent Arya Stark,  warrior-like Brienne of Tarth and fiery Daenerys Targaryen—each  of these names represent how Martin’s women are equally as powerful as the men, even in the male-dominated society of Westeros.

After reading far too many fantasy novels where the female characters are timid or defenseless, I am happy to see a new wave of badass ladies making an appearance in high fantasy. Even if they have personality flaws (which just make them more realistic characters), it feels like a breath of fresh air to read about so many fierce women.

In the last few years, there has been a large shift toward incorporating strong women into fantasy, and I think that’s pretty awesome. When writers have the choice to create the world they write in, why would anyone give up the opportunity to create some incredible and unforgettable female leads?

Martin does a very good job of creating characters that are relatable and realistic. Each character is very unique, and while some of these ladies might share similarities in their thoughts or personalities, they are each their own woman.

One of my favorite lady characters in A Song of Ice and Fire is Arya Stark. Perhaps it’s because she reminds me a bit of myself when I was young, or just that she doesn’t care what other people think of her. Unlike her older sister, Sansa, Arya would much rather learn how to fight with swords than practice her etiquette.

Arya is an incredibly strong young girl, and the series wouldn’t be the same without her. She is the type of person that every young girl should look up to, because she is extremely confident in her identity.

Daenerys Targaryen is a very different, yet equally compelling character. She is the last surviving member of the Targaryen bloodline and the professed Mother of Dragons. Her title alone is pretty awesome, and from the beginning of the books, readers journey with her as she transforms from a timid young girl into a confident woman.

While her situation might not translate to modern times, her struggles and desires are very real, and she continues to achieve personal growth throughout the series.

Brienne of Tarth might seem like the most obvious choice for a strong woman in the series, and she is definitely a significant female character. However, her physical strength is not the trait that makes her strong. Her emotional struggles to act in accordance with honor and duty do more to shape her into a compelling woman than her strength ever could.

She is also a character who relies more on her ability to overcome a situation using physical strength and wit than her womanly charm. Brienne is a very likeable female character who has real human strengths and isn’t overly sexualized.

Finally, the last character that I want to mention is Cersei Lannister, the stubborn Queen Regent of the Seven Kingdoms. While many people dislike Cersei for being power hungry and vindictive, I think she is still an excellent example of a strong female character. She is a caring mother who would do anything to protect her children.

Although she is not a very likeable character, Cersei is not willing to back down from anything or give up power she feels she deserves just because she is a woman. She is determined to not let her gender hold her back, and that makes her a rather important individual in the story.

Despite her character flaws, Cersei is a much more compelling female character than your typical damsel in distress. I would much rather read about the headstrong Queen Regent, even if I don’t like her, than a flat character who can’t think for herself.

Throughout A Song of Ice and Fire, George R.R. Martin has created a diverse group of interesting female characters, each with different flaws, strengths and motivations. Cersei, Brienne, Dany and Arya are not your typical fantasy women who can’t take care of themselves.

They are strong, independent and fierce women who can stand up to anything that they put their minds to. I look forward to seeing more characters like them make an appearance in the world of fantasy.

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