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Your personal job kit

Various entertainers from musicians to magicians use what is referred to as a “press kit” to promote themselves in search of gigs. With such a kit, potential employers can have all the résumés, examples and other information needed on potential hires. Such a kit is what employment seekers need, entertainers or not, in order to achieve the best results in looking for that optimal job—if not just any job.

In searching for a job, having a personal “job kit” can really give one an edge. This kit is not only a list of physical items to include in an application, but also actions to take to help ensure you look your best to employers.


At the very least you should have a résumé—a one-page brief with essential points of information about what makes you qualified for employment and an attractive candidate.

The bare minimum of your résumé should include your contact information, education and previous employment experience. Beyond these categories, you can include skills you possess, positive references or anything from other areas of your life, such as volunteering, that give you further qualifications.

No one résumé can fit every position out there. Depending on the job, it is best to tailor your résumé to the position being applied for. Emphasize experience, education and other attributes that are relatable to the job. Try not to give out your entire life’s story, but rather get down the most concise, pertinent and to-the-point details.

Cover letter

Just as with your résumé, a cover letter should be tailored to the job you are vying for. A cover letter can expand upon information in your résumé that it cannot convey alone—though be sure to not simply repeat the details already within your résumé. It can also provide further information that isn’t found anywhere else, and show how your experience and education translates to the job at hand.

In a cover letter you can show the employer that you are aware of their business, what they do and how you specifically fit the position

they need.


As social networking has risen to be influential in our daily lives, LinkedIn has come to play a significant role in everything from searching for jobs to networking in the business community. Therefore a LinkedIn account can be a simple stop for employers to see what you are all about.

Think of your LinkedIn account as an online résumé and more. You can post all the information that would normally be found on your résumé, but also utilize the network of people you know personally or have worked with to find jobs or help with the job you already have. Current and former managers and coworkers can write recommendations for you to reflect upon your value and positive attributes.

You can also use these connections to seek out future jobs. LinkedIn shows that sometimes, it really can be all about who know.

Censor social media

Social media such as Facebook or Myspace have come to be a bit of a double-edged sword. As convenient as they are for staying in touch with long-distance friends, managing events, keeping up-to-date on specific interests and more, they can also put your potentially negative, if not more embarrassing, qualities on display.

Employers can Google candidates and in a few short clicks find that the applicant who looked great on paper loves fake-tanning, bar fights and is capable of doing a one-handed keg stand while simultaneously flipping off the camera. In other words, censor your social media accounts.

Adjust your pages’ settings to extreme privacy, or simply be aware of the photos and other information being posted about you. It’s all about good personal PR

Online portfolio

Depending upon your career, trade or specialized field, an online portfolio may be a good idea to further promote yourself and your work. It is especially helpful for those in artistic trades such as graphic design or other media fields.

This can also be helpful for other professional fields such as marketing, PR or advertising. A simple WordPress, Blogspot or any free online service can help you show off your work, clippings or other examples.

Utilize every resource available to you

“Let everyone know that [you] are looking for a job,” said Greg Flores of Portland State’s Career Center. “They should use their personal network. Include as many people in their job search.”

Flores notes the importance of using who you know to network and find the available jobs out there. You never know who can be helpful in your search. Perhaps your neighbor’s grandmother plays Bridge with the aunt of the manager you are interviewing with—it could happen.

As a PSU alum, you have six months of free access to the Career Center and its resources. Graduates also can benefit from the Career Center’s online job search database for as long as they need. ?

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