20.20.20 vision

For those who missed out on the previous 20.20.20 marathon hosted by Campus Rec, another shot at fame, glory and riches is almost upon us (by “riches” I mean t-shirts and other various prizes, though it has been said that the feelings of personal achievement, pride and accomplishment are priceless).

For those who missed out on the previous 20.20.20 marathon hosted by Campus Rec, another shot at fame, glory and riches is almost upon us (by “riches” I mean t-shirts and other various prizes, though it has been said that the feelings of personal achievement, pride and accomplishment are priceless). In less than a month, individuals and teams will have a chance to compete in a mini-triathlon consisting of running, biking and swimming.

Most of us have probably at least heard of the Ironman Triathlon, which is perhaps one of the most extreme and demented tests of endurance to ever be invented by man. Most of these events have a 17-hour time limit in which contestants must swim two and a half miles, bike 112 miles and run 26 miles. Only elite level athletes have any hope of completing such a torturous event within the given time frame.

Thankfully for us mere mortals, the 20.20.20 marathon takes all of these events and crams them into a single hour instead of 17. And rather than focusing on completion time, participants spend 20 minutes on each form exercise with the goal of covering more distance than their competitors. Competitors are also spared the harsh weather conditions that the Ironman Triathlon has become known for, since the 20.20.20 marathon is held inside Campus Rec, though I’ve heard there is a 100 percent chance of perspiration!

The move to focus on distance traveled instead of completion time has other benefits as well. The goal of Campus Rec is help us stay active and healthy, and while some of us do have the proverbial “eye of the tiger,” many more of us are strictly recreational athletes. Heck, I wouldn’t dare speak for anyone else, but I don’t consider myself an athlete at all. My point is that some of us could very well be put off by the idea of race, but switching the focus to distance traveled takes some of the pressure off and reduces the intimidation factor. Those with the do-or-die mentality can focus on the gold, while the rest of us can focus on smaller, personal achievements.

The short intervals and short overall time frame of the event also give the opportunity to sample some of Campus Rec’s most popular exercise options. For those who are maybe seeking to mix up their workout and try new things, the 20.20.20 marathon is an excellent opportunity to get a feel for something different. Other than simply relieving mental monotony, doing something out of the ordinary has other benefits of which many fitness enthusiasts are unaware.

For example, imagine a guy who is performing nearly all of his cardiovascular exercise on the elliptical machines. While there is nothing wrong with this approach, it isn’t optimal either. The problem is that the more we do a particular activity at the same intensity, especially when done day after day, our bodies become increasingly efficient at that activity. Normally efficiency is a good thing, but not when it comes to exercising for weight control. Why? Increased efficiency means that our bodies can do the same type and amount of work while burning fewer calories. Therefore, we want variety in our routines in order to maximize the amount of calories we can burn. That said, for folks who’ve been stuck in the same old routine for a while, the 20.20.20 marathon just got a little bit sweeter and sweatier. Their caloric expenditure levels are going to be through the roof!

We’ve got personal achievement, a shot a prizes, the chance to try new activities and meet new people, the potential to burn some major calories and what should be a good time for all involved. For accommodations for facilities, activities and programs please contact Jen Armbruster of Adaptive Rec at 503-725-2927 or j.armbruster@pdx.edu. ?