Born and raised in Nampa, Idaho, Soto grew up in a rough neighborhood. He got involved with gangs at an early age and eventually wound up in the juvenile justice system.
ASPSU authorities
President: Rudy Soto
Phone: 503-725-8973
About Rudy Soto: Born and raised in Nampa, Idaho, Soto grew up in a rough neighborhood. He got involved with gangs at an early age and eventually wound up in the juvenile justice system. After he decided to change his life around, Soto moved to Portland and got involved at Portland State with the Native American student group UISHE. He was elected student body president in April.
What do they do? The president is the highest official in student government and serves as the main representative of students to administrators and state officials.
Vice President: Brad Vehafric
Phone: 503-725-5674
About Brad Vehafric: Vehafric has lived in both Oregon and Idaho, worked as a bouncer, a computer technician and a DJ, and has an extensive history working with local labor unions.
What do they do? The vice president is the head of the Student Senate, the elected officials of various groups on campus. The Senate is a representation of student sentiment and desire on campus.
Student Fee Committee Chair: Amanda Newberg
Phone: 503-725-5678
About Amanda Newberg: Newberg has a long history with the Associated Students of Portland State University, having worked in the past as a student senator and legislative affairs director. She was born in Alaska and said she wants to make the Student Fee Committee process more transparent.
What do they do? The Student Fee Committee chair heads the group of eight students who will allocate over $12 million to more than 100 student groups this year, including The Vanguard and athletics.
University Affairs Director: Nick Walden Poublon
Phone: 503-725-8516
About Nick Walden Poublon: Having been one of the 2007 commencement speakers, a member of the Phi Alpha Theta fraternity and a University Studies graduate mentor, Poublon is involved all around campus. He said he hopes to draw in new and non-traditional students, as well as get 24-hour access to the library and affordable health insurance. Poublon is a native Oregonian.
What do they do? The university affairs director serves as a liaison between the various campus organizations and the Associated Students of Portland State University.
Legislative Affairs Director: Ryan Klute
Phone: 503-725-5675
About Ryan Klute: Klute has the most extensive history in student government at Portland State. He has served as a senator and as student body vice president, played a key role in the Higher One boycott of 2004, helped establish the RatePSU website and helped implement the Midnight Breakfast.
What do they do? The legislative affairs director works as a representative to state officials and the Oregon Student Association to advocate for issues such as tuition and financial aid.
Communications Director: James Mazzocco
Phone: 503-725-5676
About James Mazzocco: Mazzocco is returning to Portland State for post-baccalaureate studies, before he starts work for his MBA. Mazzocco studied at PSU from 1996-99 while earning his undergraduate degree. During those same years, he worked for The Vanguard as a reporter and writer. Mazzocco also works for an international Jewish outreach organization, Chabad-Lubavitch, as communications director for the state of Oregon.
What do they do? The communications director is the public face of the Associated Students of Portland State University. They work closely with the media and other public relations organizations.
Equal Rights Advocate: Tash Shatz
Phone: 503-725-8972
About Tash Shatz: Born in San Diego, Calif., and raised in Colorado, Shatz has an extensive history of campaigning for gay rights, gender-neutral bathrooms, name-change rights and alternatives to physical education and health classes. Shatz said he hopes to bring more diverse events and speakers to Portland State this year.
What do they do? The equal rights advocate works closely with commonly underrepresented groups to make sure they have a voice in student government.
Multicultural Affairs Director: Salahudin Ali
Phone: 503-725-8389
About Salahudin Ali: Ali, a transfer student, first came to Portland State as a football player. A devout Muslim, Ali was recently profiled by the Los Angeles Times when he took a trip to Cairo’s Al-Azhar mosque. Ali is originally from the Bay Area.
What do they do? The multicultural affairs director acts as a liaison between groups of various cultures and the Associated Students of Portland State University. They also help organize various cultural campus events.
Administrative Director: Siva Weilert
Phone: 503-725-3454
About Siva Weilert: Coming to Portland State from the South Pacific, Weilert first got involved with the Pacific Islanders Club. She said that getting involved has given her much knowledge and direction in life.
What do they do? The administrative director is the catchall person who helps out wherever they can. They take meeting minutes, assist the president and vice president and help monitor the budget.
Webmaster: John Brown
Phone: 503-725-9772
About John Brown: Brown said he has worked in programming of some sort for 10 years. He said he hopes to create a professional and visually appealing website that will help provide more transparency into student government.
What do they do? The webmaster is responsible for the organization and upkeep of the Associated Students of Portland State University cyber representation.
Events and Outreach Coordinator: Kenji Lee
Phone: 503-725-5673
About Kenji Lee: Hailing from Hawaii, Kenji is starting his senior year at PSU. Kenji is a well-known character around the Portland State campus and a self-described busy student. He said he is trying to balance all aspects of his life while still trying to connect with the PSU community.
What do they do? The events and outreach coordinator works specifically on organizing campus events and searching for events for student government to participate in.
Campaign Coordinator: Tamara Kennedy
Phone: 503-725-5658
About Tamara Kennedy: After working in student government at Clark College, Kennedy transferred to Portland State and started work as a peer mentor. She said she looks forward to serving students at PSU.
What do they do? The campaign coordinator assists student government with whatever they are currently focused on, from a 24-hour library to lowering student fees.
–Compiled by David Holley