Women’s studies name change forum

The women’s studies program is contemplating becoming ‘women’s, gender and sexuality studies’ to reflect the growing scope of its courses and faculty research as well as the field as a whole.

MLK: more than just a day

Martin Luther King Day commemoration at Portland State includes a full week of events sponsored by the university and Multicultural Center. Events will feature community service opportunities, interactive forums, film documentaries and a distinguished keynote speaker at the marquee event on Thursday evening.

Editorial: Voter registration frustration

Last week, ASPSU released the results of their supposedly nonpartisan voter registration drive. Since fall term, volunteers made presentations in classrooms and resident halls in an effort to increase the number of registered student voters.

Since when does free mean fee?

These hard economic times have had a negative impact on many industries. Some deal with it, others go under and some try to curb spending until the storm blows over. It seems that network television stations, however, are out to screw over everyone else in order to protect their profits.

Students teaching students well

Chiron Studies has faced financial and structural challenges since it began 41 years ago, but the program is thriving in its unconventional mission of allowing students to teach their peers.

Party Near the Park tomorrow

The winter months may keep students tucked away indoors, but student clubs and activities are still going strong. Similar to the annual Party In the Park event held every September, Party Near the Park will be held on the second floor of the Smith Memorial Student Union from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursday.

What do you think?

The Rant & Rage by Dick Richards has stirred debate seemingly well over the past quarter. Perhaps too well.

Editorial: Plan to drop a class?

If you signed up for extra classes thinking you’d drop a few after deciding what you like, know this: You have until Sunday to drop a class without partially paying for it.

What do you think?

Coming up at the end of January, voters will be asked to vote on Measures 66 and 67, both which deal with Oregon taxes and are causing quite a public dispute. If passed, the measures will alter how some higher-earning Oregonians, as well as some corporations, will be taxed.

Behind the Acronym: NWCCU

The Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) was founded in 1952 to accredit higher education institutions in the Pacific Northwest region. According to the NWCCU, institutions and students cannot get federal funding for teaching, research or financial aid without the commission’s accreditation.

What do you think?

 Walmart sure has left a bad impression upon quite a few people. Complaints range from bad economical impact, job loss, poor labor practices, anti-union stances…the list goes on and on.