Comic Rocket puts comics first

In an ever-expanding comic community, Portland seems to be the center of many emerging companies in the industry. Portland State is fortunate to have connections to Comic Rocket, a start-up company through Portland State Business Accelerator where users can read, find and bookmark webcomics.

Anime draws students together

Students looking to expand their understanding of anime (Japanese movie and television animation) while being part of a welcoming community, need look no further.

Flu and norovirus hits Oregon hard

Until recently, Oregon seemed to avoid the heavy hit of influenza and norovirus that’s struck much of the country this winter. In the last few weeks, however, both have seemed to spike, leaving many of Portland State’s students and faculty feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.

Students struggle with winter blues

For some Portland State students, winter term simply means shorter and chillier days. But for others it means depression, lethargy and a loss of interest in classes, friends and life in general.