Ruby red rhubarb

Waiting for the Oregon summer to arrive can be maddening. Once the first local strawberries hit the local farmers markets and grocery stores, the lush bounty of produce overwhelms farmers and enthusiastic eaters alike until late fall.

Student loan companies: PSU not for sale

In some states, student loan companies have been giving incentives to university officials who endorse the companies to students. The Portland State Financial Aid Office, however, does not accept any incentives or promote any specific student loan companies to students, according to PSU Director of Financial Aid Phillip Rodgers.

Ode to the oven

Thin crust pizza with a chewy, bubbly crust. Sliding the elastic dough onto the dusty brick floor of an old world oven and cringing as the heat from inside the dome of earth assaults your face.

Food court facelift

A drastic facelift will be coming to the Smith food court this summer as Aramark takes over food service on campus. Before the ink dries on the new contract that seals the deal, officials putting this new agreement together have asked for input from students, faculty and staff, but have gotten hopelessly few suggestions or comments.

Former professor, activist speaks at PSU

Cherry Muhanji, writer, teacher and speaker, stood at the entrance of the Multicultural Center Thursday afternoon, gathering boisterous hugs from passing students and professors as they streamed in to listen to her talk about the pioneering blues women of the 1920s.

Sampling spring

A Portland Saturday ritual has resumed, and the past two Saturdays, the city’s residents have flocked to buy springtime produce, local cheese and organic vegetable starts for their gardens and old-world baked goods.