Words, Words, Words!

Local feminist bookstore deserves a voice

Portlanders are currently at risk of losing one of the city’s valuable landmarks. While many may not have stepped foot inside In Other Words, the northeast bookstore was the setting for the famous bookstore sketch in the local hit series Portlandia.

Pedals, Pints and Pokey

The dangerous relationship between drinking and biking

Portlanders are known for two things: their love of all things hoppy and brewed and their love of bicycles. Recently, several bicycle-friendly pubs have opened throughout the city. Additionally, the Portland Pedalounge, a 14-person bicycle, will soon take to the streets to guide Portlanders on tours from bar to bar. Simultaneously, new laws are emerging that punish bikers who cycle under the influence. Is condoning such an activity good for Portland’s cycle culture?

Pedals, Pints and Pokey

Portlanders are known for two things: their love of all things hoppy and brewed and their love of bicycles. Recently, several bicycle-friendly pubs have opened throughout the city. Additionally, the Portland Pedalounge, a 14-person bicycle, will soon take to the streets to guide Portlanders on tours from bar to bar.

Words, Words, Words!

Portlanders are currently at risk of losing one of the city’s valuable landmarks. While many may not have stepped foot inside In Other Words, the northeast bookstore was the setting for the famous bookstore sketch in the local hit series Portlandia.

Stickshifts and safetybelts

Portland Art Museum has something under its hood

While some may only consider automobiles a mode of transportation, others consider them a work of art. For the last month, the Portland Art Museum has been showcasing two car-related exhibitions in what they call “The Allure of the Automobile” and “AutoMagic.”

The sunscreen myth

New study finds some sunscreens accelerate cancer

Now that summer is upon us, many are itching to get outside. Due to the not-so-sunny climate of Portland, many are escaping to warmer places in order to “catch a few rays.” Of course, there are obvious health risks that come with tanning, so many often lather up with sunscreen in order to be protected from those scary ultraviolet rays.

No transit for you!

Oregon legislature eliminates free YouthPass program for Portland high school students

During the last school year, thousands of Portland high school students boarded TriMet buses in order to make their way to school. While many might feel that the students are a pain, TriMet provides the only public busing opportunity for these students. Many of these teenagers and children would not have a mode of transportation to and from school without such opportunities.

The sunscreen myth

Now that summer is upon us, many are itching to get outside. Due to the not-so-sunny climate of Portland, many are escaping to warmer places in order to “catch a few rays.”