Transit into the future via downtown

Once upon a time, I briefly lived in a far-off land called Germany. It was a magical place where anyone could get to practically wherever they needed in the land without the aid of a car. The rail lines there curved through the cities and beyond, offering a very logical and convenient mode of transportation.

Flash that card around town

No, you’re not cheap. You’re just a student. You live off of noodles, coffee and Stafford loans. But hey, just because you’re also picking up an education in pinching dimes here at Portland State, that doesn’t mean you can’t go out every now and then and see what the city has to offer.

Park it

Let’s face it, even though Portland boasts having an amazing mass transit system, enabling one to traverse its urban area with ease, some of us have to make the trek to campus via automobile. Or perhaps it’s one of those mornings where you woke up late, your bike got a flat or you just have to leave class as fast as possible because you and a buddy plan to bootleg some beer across state lines and do what they say can’t be done. Either way, transportation by car to PSU inevitably leads to one rather frustrating thing: parking.

The National

As the House recessed this August, they left behind one minor detail unresolved. Universal health care, once a nice tagline politician’s threw into a speech here, seems to be the closest it has been to becoming a reality. But not without the obvious opposition.

Web television from scratch

The city of Portland has been featured in quite a few movies as of late, from 2007’s Mr. Brooks to 2008’s Untraceable. For residents, the filming industry in Portland is no secret. In keeping with the city’s unique spirit and do-it-yourself attitude, a group of locals are now picking up the camera and producing their own Internet-based television show.

From Cleo to the Beaches

Over the last few years, there has been a plethora of documentary-style filming that has flowed into our media. It seems that a mixture of sudden close-up shots, shaky cameras or extensive single-shot scenes have showed up whether it be in an episode of The Office or a movie such as The Bourne Ultimatum. However, this is nothing new. Directors like Agnes Varda have been experimenting with such techniques since the ’50s.

The supreme issue

Earlier this week, the California Supreme Court announced its ruling on the widely debated Proposition 8. The proposition, passed last year, modified the state’s constitution to recognize marriage between a man and a woman only, and overrides a previous law allowing gay couples to marry.

Chinatown rock

It’s OK, you don’t have to feel bad for reverting to racial stereotypes when confronted with an all-Asian band called The Slants.

A group of good-for-nothing punks

Ever wonder why folks listen to Sleater Kinney so much? Or get pissed at how much of an asshole Toby Keith is? You’re not alone. Sex Object and The Model, otherwise known as The Punk Group, have not only shared your thoughts and curiosities, but for over eight years they have been putting them to synths and rocking guitars.