Make room for The Other Guys

Slam, bam and please excuse the massive property damage. Highsmith and Danson are on the scene and cleaning up the streets—two badass crime fighters who solve cases with style and garner the love of a city.

A Thinking Person’s Comedy

You know that one weird kid—we all knew him. Maybe he was home schooled, maybe his folks were just a bit off, perhaps he was just that guy living in his own world or any number of oddball stereotypes. Cyrus is a movie about that kid.

Making you look good

If you are graduating soon, getting a job is most likely on your mind. What should also be on your mind are the impending difficulties the current job market and economy poses.

Modern education

I have always found attempts to modernize the education process rather annoying and just plain silly. Sure, Schoolhouse Rock might have worked for some, but only on a wave of retro appeal or nostalgia.

Portland’s Jumptown

“Jumptown.” You may have heard it before among a long list of Portland’s nicknames. And like the other titles bestowed upon this city, it is rooted uniquely in Portland’s history—in the days when jazz filled the eastside streets as much as the Oregon rain.

The National: Socialized Heroes

Americans love to use the word “hero.” We love to acknowledge a certain greatness in our nation as well as those who embody that greatness such as our soldiers, police and firefighters. The good they do and the service they willingly provide for all of us more than earns the title of hero.