Memorial service honors Prof. Tuttle

When the Pacific Crest Wind Symphony performed at former PSU professor William Joel Tuttle’s memorial service Sunday, the audience was hushed and teary. Although the memorial was emotional, the audience wasn’t all tears. When family and friends spoke of the former PSU Department of Music professor, and conductor of the Pacific Crest Wind Symphony, they often laughed and smiled in remembrance.

This story is about porn and no, we’re not joking

Hello, fellow perverts and adult-film aficionados across campus! It’s great to be alive and masturbating here in the weeks following the 2008 Adult Entertainment Expo, which capped off with the annual Adult Video News Awards, held to honor the hard and hardworking members of the skindustry.

A day of service

On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, while many slept in, more than 40 students, parents and community members came together early in the morning and volunteered to clean up at Jefferson High School. The Jefferson High School cleanup was part of the national Martin Luther King Jr. Service Day, where volunteers around the country help out their communities in various ways.

President, vice provost searches making headway

No new candidates have been formally declared or interviewed in the searches for a new Portland State president and new vice provost of student affairs, but the presidential search committee will have a narrowed list of candidates to announce sometime in February, according to search committee chair Jim Francesconi.

Making history

He is often heralded as a distinguished historian, but professor Chet Orloff spends less time in class thinking about the past and more time on shaping the future.

NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams

For 12 years, gamers recalled Sega’s aerial adventure NiGHTS Into Dreams as a teenager might recall their first masturbatory experience: an exciting and somewhat sacred advent through ecstasy that leaves the desire to one day recapture such epic glee. Essentially, Sonic the Hedgehog set in flight, NiGHTS came to be a blissful memory for serious gamers in 1996, too enjoyable to fade into extinction though too obscure to merit mainstream glorification.

I wanna rock!

There are men and women the world over destined to be musical gods, people fated by the stars to rock crowds of thousands each time they light up a stage with their mind-blowing songs and electrifying performances. You are probably not one of those people.

Past PSU cheer coach sentenced to nine months

Former PSU cheerleading coach Neil Finger was sentenced to nine months in prison for having sex with a 17-year-old girl, who was a student at his Vancouver-based cheerleading school. Finger’s voice was shaky as he read a statement laden with apology and regret in court Tuesday morning. “Remorse is in my heart. I apologize to my victim and to everyone I’ve offended.”

Classrooms scheduled for tech upgrades in 2008

Portland State’s Instruction Technology Services Department is updating more than 110 classrooms with new technology services, such as projectors and electronic podiums, in an effort to standardize a high level of technology in both classrooms and departmental offices.

Merry crunk-mas

It’s getting colder with each passing day, meaning you must find a way to keep warm. You could crank the thermostat, start layering your clothing or warm yourself with alcohol consumption.