Comics are literary too!

The cover of this novel immediately conjures images of a realm in which fictional characters endowed with mystical powers and enhanced features run rampant. The lead characters will espouse cheesy slogans, they’ll all have some unique, mysterious history, and ridiculous get-ups (underwear on the outside?) will be donned by all.

Games of summer

It’s well understood that the summer season is generally the worst time of the year to be a gamer. All of the best releases are saved until fall, where a mad dash begins for holiday season sales.

Play dating

It’s been five straight hours of intense gaming. Your stats are all maxed out, you have every last piece of equipment and have mastered the best combos. The end is in sight and as the climax approaches, you reach for your best weapons and… kiss the prettiest girl in town?

The woe of the little black box

In the universe of video games, it’s amazing how quickly an empire can crumble. Less than a decade ago, Sony wowed gamers everywhere with news of their follow-up to the PlayStation console, then considered the height of cool for console gaming.

Save the drama for your mama

What happened to professional wrestling? There used to be a small amount of drama in the good old World Wrestling Federation (WWF), when original heroes like Hulk Hogan and “Rowdy” Roddy Piper came to fame.