Do-it-yourself gaming

PC gaming has come to own a fair share of the market in the video game industry. The last 10 years have ushered in leaps and bounds of progress for network gaming as more and more gamers are getting addicted to the clicking of a mouse, the furious sweeping of fingers and the utter disregard for their bulging love handles.

Grad tuition to rise in SBA

The School of Business Administration could be increasing the cost of tuition for its graduate students by as much as 9 percent next year, in response to the low budget figures proposed by Oregon’s Ways and Means co-chairs.

Oh, we got trouble!

Prepare yourself for another adventure through Liberty City. Details about Grand Theft Auto IV are finally being revealed after more than two years worth of development by a team of over 100 designers, illustrators and scriptwriters.

As seen on TV

Ryan Gosling was believable as a loving country bumpkin in The Notebook and as a football jock in Remember the Titans. Hell, he was even plausible as a drug-addicted teacher in Half Nelson.

Are celebrity DUIIs the new baby bump?

We all know there are some major issues cropping up in the news lately. The Democrats got the House and Senate back, Bush wants to send more troops to Iraq, stem cell research has a bill passing in Congress and James Brown died. However, amid all of these stories, there have been more and more celebrities getting busted for driving under the influence.