It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s SUPERTRASH!

One man’s garbage is another man’s super trash. And this weekend, some of the finest refuse from the past few decades will be playing at the Bagdad Theater. SUPERTRASH is a three-day-long marathon featuring cult classics and terrible films like Mad Love, Return of the Dragon and Robocop 2.

Adult Swim to the rescue!

The writers’ strike is still in effect. And besides the concessions made to late-night talk shows, this standoff isn’t showing signs of dissipation. Which is a shame, for my regular Thursday fix of 30 Rock has been replaced with Celebrity Apprentice.

Actor. Director. Crazy?

Crispin Glover is an undeniably weird person. He is best known as McFly from Back to the Future, but is also known for portraying quirky characters in Hollywood films such as Bartleby, Willard and Charlie’s Angels.

Italian sex and rock ‘n’ roll

At the center of Pietro Germi’s 1963 film, Seduced and Abandoned, is honor. More specifically, the film is about how a dominant father can restore his family’s honor after his daughter betrays it through sexual infidelity. It’s about sexual repression and the mores of old Italy.

Truth or dare

TV steals from everything. Even the new reality show The Moment of Truth has a basis in decades old literature.

Reality: Everyone is fake

The writers’ strike must end. With the current over-saturation of reality TV, let’s hope the viewing public will clamor for better material. Somehow I doubt that is going to happen.

Music on film

Today, the Northwest Film Center’s 25th edition of the Reel Music Film Festival starts. The festival showcases documentaries and concert films about many important musicians and movements throughout the world.

The Wire signal

HBO’s The Wire has been getting plenty of good press in the run-up to its fifth and final season. Prior to the announcement of this gritty, realistic show’s demise, it floundered in ratings, missed out on Emmy wins, and was barely accepted to HBO’s roster because of the network’s reported prejudice against cop shows.

Forget Jesus, how about Obi-wan?

According to the 2001 census, 0.7 percent of England’s population claims their religion is Jedi, an ode to the force-wielding heroes in the Star Wars movies. Jedi is one of many alternative religions out there, and here are a few more for those who want something different, or just want something else to take their time during school’s recess.

Neuroscience event examined conflict

In the film The Aviator, Leonardo DiCaprio had to learn how to act out Howard Hughes’ obsessive-compulsive disorder. When shooting was completed, the actor then had to teach himself how to break his character’s habits.

Better than porn?

Now that television is making a strike-induced turn toward the shitty, we as TV watchers have only a few choices. Since hobbies are for the geriatric or active, I suggested last week to catch up on some great shows via DVD, or to go online. While DVDs cost money, the Internet only costs us time (which is worth almost nothing).