Beyond the walls of Campus Rec

When it comes to having fun while getting or staying fit, few things beat the great outdoors.

When it comes to having fun while getting or staying fit, few things beat the great outdoors. While there are few sick individuals like myself who actually like the mouse-in-a-wheel gym routine, sane people tend to prefer getting active outside of a gym setting. What sounds more appealing: slugging it out on a stair climber while staring at the wall, or backpacking on a mountain trail on spring day? Going back and forth on a rowing machine while listening to the same tired mp3s for the 100th time, or going on kayaking trip with some friends? Like I said, most will opt for the fresh air and excitement over the often bland experience of the gym.

There is one problem, though: equipment and gear are often prohibitively expensive. The truth is that most of us are students who are just eking by financially as we pursue our education. If we had extra money to spend on kayaks or skis, we probably wouldn’t be drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon or Miller High Life. I refuse to believe that even the hippest of Portland hipsters, given an increased income, would still prefer PBR to beer from Hopworks or any other local brewery.

So, what’s a student to do? Many of us already work as much as we can, and selling our organs on the black market can be quite risky. As usual, our old pals at Campus Rec have us covered.

The equipment rental at Campus Rec has a wide variety of equipment to choose from for would-be adventurers and outdoor enthusiasts—I’m talking about pretty much everything one could possibly need. Would you like to go backpacking? Campus Rec has tents, stoves, coolers, water jugs, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, shovels, compasses and more. How do you feel about kayaking or rafting? They’ve got boats, paddles, oars, life vests, wet suits, helmets and inner tubes for the water novice. For the Sly Stallone, “Cliffhanger”-types, Campus Rec even has climbing and mountaineering gear, such as boots, crampons, ice axes and so forth. And finally, there is skiing and snowshoeing equipment for all the snow lovers out there.

Before anyone gets too excited, I must point out that equipment rental isn’t free. However, ASRC members and PSU students get some pretty sweet rates. For convenience, much of the equipment is available in packages. For example, the “whitewater kayak package” includes a boat, personal flotation device, paddle, helmet, skirt, and float bags for only $30. Most equipment can be rented out for multiple days at a time without accruing additional charges. Equipment is also available to those who aren’t ASRC members, though the prices double in those cases.

Whether one is a genuine outdoor enthusiast who just can’t afford their own equipment or a gym rat like me who could definitely stand to change things up, there is ample reason check out the Campus Rec equipment rental. Pay them a visit at the Campus Rec building Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

For rental info, rates, policies and other information, please visit The equipment rental center can also be reached by phone at 503-725-5668 or by e-mail at ?