Bringing Africa to Portland

The Smith Ballroom will host Portland’s largest African culturalevent this Friday.

The event, in its twenty-fourth year is sponsored on-campus bythe Portland State Association of African Students (AAS)

“We believe the African culture is so beautiful and we want toshare it with people,” AAS coordinator Suad Jama said.

She and other members of the student association have beenworking for six months, planning and coordinating the event. Theirmain goal for this year has been to involve the local communitymore.

“Most people see the dark side of Africa, what’s in the news.Few of them get to see the dances, the people, the clothes. We wantto express that,” Jama said, “[to] share with others.”

The evening will include performances by local African dancersand drummers, food, dance and a fashion show of traditional Africancloth.

There will also be a chance for Africa buffs to cash in on theirknowledge during a round of Double Jeopardy, African style. Therewill be prizes, Jama noted.

There will also be an artist and storyteller from Mali, now aresident of Portland.

Jama added that the AAS has worked with many local groups thisyear to put on the event. These groups include the African Women’sCoalition, the IRCO African Program and the Somali Women’sAssociation. Each group will have volunteers and tables at theevent.

The African Culture Night, geared as “a festival to show theAfrican culture” Jama said, is scheduled for this Friday, May 7,from 6 – 11 p.m. in the Smith Memorial Student Union Ballroom.Tickets are $10 general/$5 students and can be purchased at the PSUticket office.

For more information, call the AAS at 503-725-5659 or