Campus Calendar
Tuesday April 27
Student Leaders for Service
Student Leaders for Service Informational Meeting
12-1 p.m.
Smith Union 290
Learn about student leaders for service and how to make adifference in your community
(503) 725-9727
Women’s Studies, Economics and Sociology Department
Ambition of Empire: The radical reconstuction of Iraq’s econmomyand the making of a quagmire
Smith Union Vanport Room (second floor)
Antonia Juhasz will lecture on this international forum onglobalization and the author of Does Globalization Help thePoor?
Center for Student Health and Counseling
Red Cross Blood Drive
11-4 p.m.
Smith Ballroom
Walk-ins appreciated, but for appointments email orcall (503)725-5123
Center for Student Health and Counseling
Spring Group
Sexual Minorities Group
4-5:30 p.m.
If you are interested in joining this group please schedule aninformational interview with one of the group leaders
Free for eligible students
Alpha Chi Omega Sorority
Study Tables
7-9 p.m.
Second Floor Library (Room 331)
Ladies come study in the company of other intelligent women andalso learn about sorority life.
PSU College Republicans
PSU College Republicans Weekly Meeting
6:30-7:30 p.m.
Smith Union 230
Come and hear speakers from the Oregon Republican Party and comehear how you can help out with various campus events.
Women’s Resource Center
Returning Women Students Drop in Coffee Hour
9-10 p.m.
Smith Union Basement 26
Bring your lunch and meet other returning women students tonetwork, chat, and nosh
Wednesday April 28
Campus Ministry
Quaker Meeting for Worship
12-12:30 p.m.
Koinonia House Chapel
For lunch-time gathering in silence. All are welcome
BCM Christian Challenge
Freshwater Bible Study
Smith Union 323
Informal group Bible study is open to everyone. Ask questions andlearn more about the Bible, God, and Jesus.
Women’s Resource Center
Returning Women Students Drop in Coffee Hour
9-10 p.m.
Smith Union Basement 28
Bring your lunch and meet other returning women students tonetwork, chat, and nosh
Center for Student Health and Counseling
Winter Groups
Interpersonal Therapy Group, Co-Ed
4-5:30 p.m.
If you are interested in joining this group please schedule aninformational interview with one of the group leaders
Free for eligible students
Women’s Resource Center
Stitch and Bitch
12-2 p.m.
Smith Union Basement 26
Learn or share your knitting and crocheting skills. All are welcomeevery Wednesday.
Women’s Resource Center
Returning Women Students Brown Bag Lunch
11:30-12:30 p.m.
Smith Union 326
Bring your lunch and meet other returning women students fornetworking, chatting, and noshing
Alpha Chi Omega Sorority
Study Tables
5-8 p.m.
Third Floor Smith
Ladies come study in the company of other intelligent women andalso learn about sorority life.
New Voters’ Project
Volunteer Orientation
6-8 p.m.
Smith Union 117 (ASPSU)
Introduction of project and volunteer activities includingregistering people to vote
Thursday April 29
PSU Carrer Center
Effective Interviewing Workshop
2-4 p.m.
402 USB
Learn about efective skills that realte to you getting a …gasp!Job
Native American Studies Program
Language Management for Endangered Speech Communities
5-7 p.m.
Native American Student Community Center Room 110 (on PSUCampus)
A Reception to follow this lecture by Dr. Bernard Spolsky formerdirector of the Navajo Reading study
Student Leaders for Service
Student Leaders for Service Informational Meeting
6-7 p.m.
Smith Union 327
Learn about student leaders for service and how to make adifference in your community
(503) 725-9727
Friday April 30
PSU Korean Student Association
4-6 p.m.
Peter Stott Gym (Small Gym)
A chance to meet other PSU Korean Students
Campus Ministry-Covenant Five
Covenant Five Student Gathering
6 p.m.
Koinonia House
A mix of fun, discussion, and study. Games and movie nights aswell.
Center for Student Health and Counseling
Spring Groups
Interpersonal Therapy Group, Co-Ed
1-2:30 p.m.
Gain increased self-awareness and self-acceptance, overcome blocksto intimacy, and so much more.
If you are interested in joining this group please schedule aninformational interview with one of the group leaders
Center for Student Health and Counseling
Spring Groups
Experiencing and Managing Emotions
10-11:30 p.m.
If you are interested in joining this group please schedule aninformational interview with one of the group leaders
Free for eligible students
New Voters’ Project
Volunteer Orientation
12-2 p.m.
Smith Union 117 (ASPSU)
Introduction of project and volunteer activities includingregistering people to vote
Saturday May 1
Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship
7:07 p.m.
Smith Union 236
A meeting about community and learning about Jesus in a culturallyrelevant way.
Sunday May 2
Monday May 3
Progressive Student Union
The Not So Black and White Progressive Spring Film Fest
“Get On The Bus“
6 p.m.
Smith Union 225
Spike Lee’s film about the milllion man march
Tuesday May 4
Center for Student Health and Counseling
Spring Group
Sexual Minorities Group
4-5:30 p.m.
If you are interested in joining this group please schedule aninformational interview with one of the group leaders
Free for eligible students
Alpha Chi Omega Sorority
Study Tables
7-9 p.m.
Second Floor Library (Room 331)
Ladies come study in the company of other intelligent women andalso learn about sorority life.
PSU College Republicans
PSU College Republicans Weekly Meeting
6:30-7:30 p.m.
Smith Union 230
Come and hear speakers from the Oregon Republican Party and comehear how you can help out with various campus events.
Women’s Resource Center
Returning Women Students Drop in Coffee Hour
9-10 p.m.
Smith Union Basement 26Bring your lunch and meet other returningwomen students to network, chat, and nosh
Recurring Events
Progressive Student Union
The Not So Black and White Progressive Spring Film Fest
6 p.m.
Smith Union 225
Neo-nazis, racist violence, are all part of this film starringEdward Norton as a former racist
Center for Student Health and Counseling
Spring Group
Sexual Minorities Group
4-5:30 p.m.
If you are interested in joining this group please schedule aninformational interview with one of the group leaders
Free for eligible students
Alpha Chi Omega Sorority
Study Tables
7-9 p.m.
Second Floor Library (Room 331)
Ladies come study in the company of other intelligent women andalso learn about sorority life.
PSU College Republicans
PSU College Republicans Weekly Meeting
6:30-7:30 p.m.
Smith Union 230
Come and hear speakers from the Oregon Republican Party and comehear how you can help out with various campus events.
Women’s Resource Center
Returning Women Students Drop in Coffee Hour
9-10 p.m.
Smith Union Basement 26
Bring your lunch and meet other returning women students tonetwork, chat, and nosh
Study Abroad Sessions
East Hall 109
Learn more about studing in a strange forieng land …with finicalaid, sign me up!
Campus Ministry
Quaker Meeting for Worship
12-12:30 p.m.
Koinonia House Chapel
For lunch-time gathering in silence. All are welcome
BCM Christian Challenge
Freshwater Bible Study
Smith Union 323
Informal group Bible study is open to everyone. Ask questions andlearn more about the Bible, God, and Jesus.
Women’s Resource Center
Returning Women Students Drop in Coffee Hour
9-10 p.m.
Smith Union Basement 28
Bring your lunch and meet other returning women students tonetwork, chat, and nosh
Center for Student Health and Counseling
Spring Groups
Interpersonal Therapy Group, Co-Ed
4-5:30 p.m.
If you are interested in joining this group please schedule aninformational interview with one of the group leaders
Free for eligible students
Women’s Resource Center
Stitch and Bitch
12-2 p.m.
Smith Union Basement 26
Learn or share your knitting and crocheting skills. All are welcomeevery Wednesday.
Women’s Resource Center
Returning Women Students Brown Bag Lunch
11:30-12:30 p.m.
Smith Union 326
Bring your lunch and meet other returning women students fornetworking, chatting, and noshing
Alpha Chi Omega Sorority
Study Tables
5-8 p.m.
Third Floor Smith
Ladies come study in the company of other intelligent women andalso learn about sorority life.
New Voters’ Project
Volunteer Orientation
6-8 p.m.
Smith Union 117 (ASPSU)
Introduction of project and volunteer activities includingregistering people to vote
Center for Student Health and Counseling
Spring Groups
Interpersonal Therapy Group, Co-Ed
3-4:30 p.m.
Gain increased self-awareness and self-acceptance, overcome blocksto intimacy, and so much more.
If you are interested in joining this group please schedule aninformational interview with one of the group leaders
Alpha Chi Omega Sorority
Study Tables
5-8 p.m.
Third Floor Smith
Ladies come study in the company of other intelligent women andalso learn about sorority life.
New Voters’ Project
Volunteer Orientation
6-8 p.m.
Smith Union 117 (ASPSU)
Introduction of project and volunteer activities includingregistering people to vote
PSU Korean Student Association
4-6 p.m.
Peter Stott Gym (Small Gym)
A chance to meet other PSU Korean students
Campus Ministry-Covenant Five
Covenant Five Student Gathering
6 p.m.
Koinonia House
A mix of fun, discussion, and study. Games and movie nights aswell.
Center for Student Health and Counseling
Spring Groups
Interpersonal Therapy Group, Co-Ed
1-2:30 p.m.
Gain increased self-awareness and self-acceptance, overcome blocksto intimacy, and so much more.
If you are interested in joining this group please schedule aninformational interview with one of the group leaders
Center for Student Health and Counseling
Spring Groups
Experiencing and Managing Emotions
10-11:30 p.m.
If you are interested in joining this group please schedule aninformational interview with one of the group leaders
Free for eligible students
Women’s Resource Center
Feminist Film Series
April 16 “A Century of Women: Sexuality and Social Justice”
April 23 “Paris was a Woman”
12:30-2 p.m.
Multicultural Center Smith Union 228
New Voters’ Project
Volunteer Orientation
12-2 p.m.
Smith Union 117 (ASPSU)
Introduction of project and volunteer activities includingregistering people to vote