In one of the largest elections in Mexico’s history, Andres Lopez Obrador was elected president on Sunday, July 1. According to Vox, 3,400 seats were open at the local, state…
This Week Around the World: July 1–8:
July 1 Mexico: Presidential elections held on Sunday saw the victory of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who ran with the left-wing Movimiento Regeneración Nacional Party. Of the 93.5 percent of votes counted,…
America the empire
While the British Empire is permanently in the background of Western imperialism, the United States has never admitted to such a legacy. This is not to say it has nothing…
This Week Around the World: June 24 – July 1
June 25 Gansu, China: A video went viral depicting the suicide of 19-year-old student surnamed Li who jumped to her death on June 20 as onlookers jeered and encouraged her…
Middle East elections: what is missing?
The election season has come to an end recently for Egypt, Lebanon and Iraq. Presidential elections were held in Egypt, while general elections were held in Lebanon. Iraq also held…
Where to Defect After Graduation
Denmark Denmark is a Scandinavian country bordering Germany and separated from Norway by the Skagerrak Strait. It is a half-hour train ride from Sweden, making it a convenient entryway to…
The #metoo movement in Korea
Hundreds of women took to the streets on International Women’s Day March 8 in Seoul’s Gwanghwamun Square carrying signs that read “#metoo #withyou,” and “Feminism Will Save Our Country!” Byeon…
This Week Around the World
May 27–June 3 Germany: Around 20,000 anti-far right protesters descended upon Berlin to counter a protest conducted by the far-right group Alternative for Germany (AFD), which numbered only around 5,000….
Elections in Venezuela
President Nicolás Maduro was confirmed for his second term in Venezuela’s May 20th presidential election, spurring international speculation over the election’s credibility. Venezuela has been in a state of emergency…
Korea’s separated families face post-armistice uncertainties
The historic April 27 inter-Korean Summit marked a new chapter in the relationship between the North and South, as indicated by the summit’s motto “Peace, a new start.” The two…
永不放棄求學精神 120位IELP學生獲頒學習獎項
波特蘭州立大學密集英語課程於5月11日,在此辦公室舉行了一場勉勵努力學習並帶給周遭同學正向學習環境的優秀學生頒獎典禮。典禮上,約120位目前就讀於此課程的留學生獲頒獎項,以鼓勵他們於2018年冬季學期所做出的努力。該獎項負責人兼IELP學術顧問的貝蒂‧布魯克森說:「到國外學習第二外語實在不是一件容易的事,但我希望同學們可以永不放棄求學的精神。」 此優秀學生獎項創設於2012年,一年舉辦四次頒獎典禮。根據布魯克森統計每學期約有一半的IELP學生獲得該獎項。布魯克森解釋:「在此獎項創設以前,我們只表揚那幾位少數成績優秀的留學生。但我們發現其實有更多學生非常熱衷於學習,即是他們不一定每科都能拿高分,我們還是想要為他們加油打氣。」 IELP春季學期現在,有來自25個國家‧地區的228位留學生。「該獎項是我們持續支持學生認真學習的重要獎項,今後我們會繼續下去。」來自墨西哥的獲獎學生,卡門‧委拉斯奎茲‧門迪奧拉說:「非常榮幸能得獎,也非常高興我的努力能創造一個積極的學習環境,獲獎也讓我備加感受到學習的動力。」