Last week, I took a tour of campus lead by none other than University President Wim Wiewel. Accompanied by Editor-in-Chief Josh Hunt and Video Editor Randall Theil, we listened to President Wiewel give his input and opinions on some important PSU spots.
And Then We’ll Take it Higher
Yesterday’s issue contained a great update on PSU’s new Electric Avenue, the portion of Montgomery between 6th and Broadway that is now equipped with dedicated electric vehicle charging stations. Here are some photos that didn’t make it to print.
A campus tour with President Wim Wiewel
We invited PSU president Wim Wiewel to chat with us about some of the key locations around campus.
Moving In
I swung by the Broadway dorms last weekend to take some photos of the official Freshman Move-In Day. The slight rain didn’t do much to deter incoming students from getting…
Postgame vs Northern Arizona
We talked to Head Coach Nigel Burton and senior running back Cory McCaffrey about the 41-39 victory over visiting Northern Arizona.
Vikings Football Offensive Preview
Portland State Vikings offensive preview
Vikings Football Defensive Preview
Vikings Head Coach Nigel Burton and players Ryan Rau Deshawn Shead and Myles Wade talk shop about the defense, the changes to the team and their goals for this year.