PSU unveils online business degree

With its Management and Leadership degree program, Portland State will offer the first online business degree in Oregon. Launching this fall, the program is designed as a part-time, three-year program during which students take two courses per term. Though there is one on-campus orientation event, the program will consist of video conferencing with classmates and faculty, streaming lectures from campus and engaging with community partners to enhance students’ local networks.

Block Talk

“What do you do when you feel like you’re getting sick?”

Obnoxious friends

We all have friends that we like to hang out with after school or work. They’re the people who get us to relax and reflect on a hard day, and help us to enjoy what’s good in life. Except sometimes they don’t. These are the friends who go out to a bar or restaurant seemingly never having learned an ounce of etiquette or possessing any sense of decorum.

Easy ‘A’

Ivy-covered buildings, secret societies and preppy blazers are probably a few of the things that come to mind when we think of Harvard and other “Ivy League” schools. Those are probably followed closely by images of money and ideas of the wit and intelligence needed to compete on the advanced academic level these schools supposedly occupy.

A bridge not far enough

Have you ever made a decision that was clearly the wrong course of action in the given circumstance so that you might avoid confrontation and conform to an immediate social expectation? Like, say, attended a Dave Matthews Band performance with your fraternity brothers? Bowed to your parents and taken monastic vows as a member of a small Catholic order living a flagellant existence on a parched Ligurian hillside? Acceded to a freezing homeless person’s request that he take a nap in the trunk of your car while you run into New Seasons?

Revenge porn

Kelly Hinson is a 27-year-old expectant mother who was approached by a man while out shopping. He knew her name and recognized her from explicit photos that he saw on the Internet. Hinson was shocked. True, she’d taken the photos, but she didn’t know that a former partner had posted them online. Nor was she aware that underneath the photos were her name and personal information, including contact information, which were also made public.

The Clean Air Corridor is pointless

It’s been a month with the new Clean Air Corridor in effect, and I feel pretty safe in saying it’s accomplished nothing. First, can we drop any pretense of it being about emissions as well as smoking? The only people who ever drive in the Park Blocks are cops and university staff. They definitely haven’t stopped driving in the Park Blocks, and didn’t do it frequently enough to warrant any kind of action. Also, what about the big, diesel-guzzling delivery trucks that park next to the loading dock at Smith Memorial Student Union and leave their engines running?

Packing the classrooms

Recently, more than 250 people gathered at Jefferson High School to attend a listening session regarding potential school closures in Portland’s North and Northeast communities. Board members and the superintendent labeled the move an attempt to balance the student populations within individual schools and allow for a wider range of educational programs to be made available to more students.

Wherefore art thou, serendipity?

Some say social media is making us less social and more isolated from each other; others say the opposite. Both groups can point to data and experience to support their claims. Recently, though, I watched a Dateline NBC program about this very topic, and it got me thinking not so much about the social trends in media, but of a word that seems to be disappearing from our collective consciousness: serendipity.

Ignore the bad rep

Balancing student life with keeping yourself healthy is no easy task. Luckily for us Portland State students, the Center for Student Health and Counseling exists. While it’s been rightfully criticized in the past for long wait-times and fees for uninsured students, SHAC does do a lot of good and provides relatively quick and helpful service to PSU’s large student population.