Commencement Survival Guide

So you’re done with your last class, participated in your last sorry group presentation and completed that final annoying term paper. Now it’s time to graduate!

So you’re done with your last class, participated in your last sorry group presentation and completed that final annoying term paper.

Now it’s time to graduate!

The Vanguard is here to help make the big day go as smoothly as possible, with a plethora of tips and bits of useful information. Good luck in the real world, graduates.

Pre-commencement events

12th Annual John Eliot Allen Outstanding Teaching Awards
June 5, 3 p.m., Hoffman Hall

Native American Honor Day Graduation Celebration
June 5, 5:30 p.m., Native American Student and Community Center

Office of Academic Affairs Senior Student Recognition Ceremony
June 11, 3 p.m., Smith Memorial Student Union Ballroom

College of Urban and Public Affairs Hooding Ceremony
June 12, 11 a.m., Stott Center main gym

Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science Graduation Reception

June 12, 4 p.m., Engineering Building Atrium

School of Fine and Performing Arts Hooding and Graduation Celebration
June 12, 4:30 p.m., Lincoln Performance Hall

Graduate School of Education Hooding Ceremony
June 12, 5:30 p.m., Stott Center main gym

School of Business Administration Hooding Ceremony
June 12, 5:30 p.m., Smith Memorial Student Union Ballroom

Multicultural Center Graduation Celebration

June 12, 6 p.m., Smith Memorial Student Union Ballroom

School of Social Work Hooding Ceremony
June 13, 3 p.m., Stott Center main gym

Commencement by the numbers
Total registrations: 1,855
Bachelor’s degrees: 1,579
Certificates: 5
Doctoral degrees: 29
Master’s degrees: 242
Requested tickets: 13,428

(Courtesy of J.R. Tarabochhia, commencement coordinator)

Commencement, step by step
Saturday, June 13

8 a.m. Rose Garden doors open to guests with green “Access” tickets.
8:30 a.m. Rose Garden doors open to guests with grey “General Admission” tickets.
8:45 a.m. Graduates must report to assembly area at Memorial Coliseum Exhibit Hall no later than 8:45 a.m. Check in with faculty marshal representing your department.
9:15 a.m. Academic procession lines begin to form.
9:30 a.m. Academic procession begins to move into Rose Garden Arena.
10 a.m. Commencement begins.
12:30 Commencement ceremony ends.
Diploma distribution: Diplomas are not distributed at commencement. Graduates will be notified by mail with directions for obtaining final diplomas.


•    Use public transportation to get to the ceremony. Dealing with traffic near the Rose Garden is an unpleasant experience, and taking a bus or using the MAX can help students get there on time and with less stress.
•    If you must drive, leave early. There is parking available at the Rose Garden for $10 a car, but finding a spot is not guaranteed and the garages fill quickly.
•    Buses from PSU: If you are coming from campus, either take the 8 bus heading toward Northeast 15th Avenue or get on the MAX heading to the east side. Either option will land you at the Rose Garden without the hassle of driving. The MAX is free from PSU.

Making commencement easier
•    Remember your reader cards (sent out in early June).
•    Make sure you eat well before the ceremony, as you will be at the Rose Garden for almost five hours.
•    Don’t bring coats and other valuables—such as larger cameras—because there is no place to store them.
•    Graduates will have three photos taken when they receive their degree: one before receiving it, one of their handshakes with their dean and one afterward. Proofs will be mailed to their homes at no charge.
•    Volunteers will be wearing green shirts. Follow their instructions and ask questions if you need help.
•    Set a meeting time and place with guests before the ceremony to avoid feeling confused or rushed afterward. Students should expect to be at the Rose Garden until at least 1:30 p.m. because of traffic and crowds.

Need to know more?
Contact the Office of the Dean of Students
On the Web:
Phone: 503-725-4422