“Sexuality is a fundamental part of the human experience,” Forrester said, “but we don’t really talk about it, and I want to—and by all the RSVPs I’m getting, I think a lot of other people do too.” The “TEDsex” talk in Portland is set to feature three local “sex-perts” who will present in-depth 15-minute educational lectures. The session will end with community dialogue.
First ‘TEDsex’ event to host local sexperts

On August 1, at 6 p.m., Portland will host its first-ever “TEDsex” event at the Pacific Northwest College of Art, at 1241 NW Johnson St. And it all started with a PSU student.
Portland State senior Brian Forrester decided to organize the talk just a little over two weeks ago, but why the controversial subject?
“Sexuality is a fundamental part of the human experience,” Forrester said, “but we don’t really talk about it, and I want to—and by all the RSVPs I’m getting, I think a lot of other people do too.” The “TEDsex” talk in Portland is set to feature three local “sex-perts” who will present in-depth 15-minute educational lectures. The session will end with community dialogue.
Forrester hopes that the talk will help people get more comfortable discussing their own sexuality.
“Sexuality is complex and complicated,” Forrester said. “As a student, I’m eager to learn about what it looks like and means to other people.
“The smallest kernel of knowledge or the unexpected question can really make you re-examine the way you view the world. That’s what ‘TEDsex’ is about. In theory, I think that’s what college is supposed to be about, too.”
Originally a project of the Sapling Foundation, TED Talks have expanded nationwide, beyond their initial one-off conference to provide lectures related to “ideas worth spreading.”
Forrester’s event has already received support from the community, with a host of sponsors including Planned Parenthood, Q Center, the Cascade AIDS Project, PSU’s Women’s Resource Center and Tea with TED, a Portland State campus group that brings students together on a monthly basis to discuss concepts from TED Talks over tea.
Confirmed speakers include PSU’s Ben Anderson-Nathe, a professor of social work who leads the Child and Family Studies program at PSU, as well as Human Rights Campaign volunteer Miguel Cobian. Event organizers are still looking for a third speaker for the evening.
More than 100 audience RSVPs have been received since the event launched 2 weeks ago.
“TEDsex” is a free talk hosted at the Pacific Northwest College of Art on August 1, 6–8 p.m.
To attend, register online at tedsex.eventbrite.com.