Other Ad Rates & Info

Classified Ad Rates

Classified ads must be prepaid and submitted by 5 p.m. at least 3 days prior to publication. Cash, check and credit cards are accepted. Ads may be placed in person at the Vanguard Advertising Office at Room 115, Smith Memorial Student Union, 1825 SW Broadway.

Type Cost
1x run $ .35 / word
4x run $ .30 / word
Term Contract $ .25 / word
1" box $ 8.00 / day

Email or Fax your classified ad to:
 Email: classifiedad@pdx.edu
 Fax: 503.725.5860
 Phone: 503.725.5695

Preprinted Inserts

To arrange for inserts, the Vanguard Advertising Manager must be notified two weeks in advance of desired insertion dates. Inserts must be delivered at least 7 days before scheduled insertion date to:

  The Gresham Outlook
 Attn: Blake Jensen
 1190 NE Division St.
 Gresham, OR 97030
   Phone: 503.492.5144

  • The Vanguard accepts a minimum of 5000 inserts per press run.
  • Minimum size – 3" x 5", maximum size – 8.5" x 11"
  • Preprint rates are non-commissionable


No. pages Local Advertisers Regional/ National
1-4 pages $60 / 1000 $75 / 1000
5-8 pages $65 / 1000 $80 / 1000
9-15 pages $70 / 1000 $85 / 1000
16+ pages $75 / 1000 $95 / 1000


Online Ad Rates

  • Banner Ads

    • 468 x 60 pixels
    • $150/mo. /$50 wk.
  • Tile Ads

    • 120 x 240 pixels
    • $100/ mo. $35/wk.