Rahmat A. Shoureshi, Ph.D., a candidate for president of Portland State University, was on campus on March 13 to speak to faculty and staff in Hoffman Hall and explain his…
Umbrella etiquette
In the same inexplicable way that a little rain suddenly renders many Portland drivers mildly insane and incapable of adhering to the most basic tenets of driving etiquette and common…
LARP it up, suckers: How to die at the end of my magic missile
LARP IT UP, SUCKERS: HOW TO DIE AT THE END OF MY MAGIC MISSILE Live-action roleplaying, or LARP, is the fine art of boffing a PC to death in a…
Editorial: white supremacists on campus, a response to the response
Last week, the Vanguard published the piece, “Proud? Unapologetic white nationalists prefer pseudonym,” a piece that covers the recent campaign from a self-described “alt-right” group that distributed a white pride…
A serious laundry crisis
Crisis of Faith writes: My mom and I both have anxiety, and I’ve found a great way to combat mine that’s more natural than pills. CBD oil is really helping…
A walk around food cart city
I grew up just across the bridge in Vancouver, Washington—home to many small breweries, coffee shops and unique restaurants. Little did I know that when I moved to Portland, I…
Day trippy
While the charming city of Portland is filled to the brim with kooky coffee shops and all kinds of hip happenings, it certainly doesn’t hurt to get away every once…
Ways to spend spring break in Portland
You may be bummed if you have to stay around campus for spring break instead of going on vacation or visiting home, but there are actually a lot of things…
It’s a Runderful Life
Hibernating for the winter has its perks, most of which are supplemented by a steady intake of caffeine. The most widely abused hibernating perk of them all—according to the numbers—is…
Physical and mental health benefits of being outdoors
If you’re at all like me, you try to stay indoors because, well…that’s where my laptop is. That’s where I know I can watch Netflix at any time in the…
This is Portland. Quit complaining about rain and get on out there!
This may come as a shock to some of you, but sometimes it rains in Portland. (I hope you were sitting down for that.) According to Bustle, it rains an…