On Nov. 21, the Oregon Legislature confirmed 13 nominees to Portland State’s new board of trustees. The new trustees attended an orientation on Dec. 12–13 at the University Place Hotel.
The orientation was organized by the staff of PSU President Wim Wiewel’s office and David Reese, general counsel and newly appointed secretary to the board.
A two-day program, the orientation included a comprehensive introduction to the academic and student programs at PSU, as well as the financial management of the institution. It also involved a rundown of concepts of university governance.
Student trustee Pam Campos said that she came away from the recent orientation retreat with optimism for the new system of governance.
“Our intensive board retreat last week really highlighted the committed, intelligent group of individuals we have the privilege of serving on our PSU board,” she said. “I am extremely motivated and honored to work alongside such an engaged, and diverse group of trustees.”
According to Senate Bill 270, the board may have up to 15 members, including one student representative, one classified PSU employee, and PSU’s president as a non-voting member. All members serve four-year terms, with the exception of faculty, staff and student members, who serve two-year terms. Board members serve voluntarily and are not paid.
Over the next six months the board will continue to meet regularly, although they do not officially take the reins until July.
Christopher Broderick, associate vice president of communications at PSU, said that these meetings will be “organizational and informational,” continuing to prepare the trustees for their work by bringing them “up to speed on all major issues at the university, from budget to academic.”
In accordance with the Oregon Open Records and Open Meetings requirements, all board of trustees meetings will be open to the public and agendas will be posted in advance. The first meeting will be held on Jan. 30.