Portland State’s intramural leagues are back in action during summer term as PSU hosts a five-versus-five indoor soccer league starting July 11. The games will be held Wednesdays from 4 to 8 p.m. on the third floor of the Academic and Student Rec Center.
Summer soccer without the sun

Portland State’s intramural leagues are back in action during summer term as PSU hosts a five-versus-five indoor soccer league starting July 11. The games will be held Wednesdays from 4 to 8 p.m. on the third floor of the Academic and Student Rec Center.
“This summer we are offering a never-been-done-before five-versus-five indoor soccer league,” Intramurals Coordinator Spencer Sorensen said. “We’re trying to keep it somewhat scaled back, with us only playing on Wednesday nights. So plenty of people should be able to come out and play.”
During the spring term, the Rec Center offered three intramural leagues (soccer, basketball and kickball) and two intramural tournaments (wheelchair basketball and a mini triathlon). To be eligible to play in the indoor soccer league, participants must have summer term membership at the Rec Center. Students taking one or more credits in the summer automatically become members at the ASRC. If a student isn’t taking classes in the summer but has done so in the spring and is registered for classes in the fall, he or she can become a member by paying a $25 monthly fee.
“You can sign up your team or as a free agent at our member services front desk here in the Rec Center,” Sorensen said. “The sign-up deadline for this league is July 6. It’s $25 for a team or $5 per free agent.”
A mandatory captains’ meeting will be held July 9 in ASRC 210A at 3 p.m., where the rules and format of the league will be explained. The league needs a minimum of four and can handle a maximum of nine teams to operate.
The prizes for the league winners will remain the same as in previous terms. “Our amazing intramural champions will win a signature IM champ shirt and their team photo goes up in the Rec Center,” Sorensen said.
The league format includes five to eight league games followed by a postseason playoff bracket. The intramurals section of the Rec Center will provide the officials, the court space and the referees for the league.
“I think our staff did an exceptional job this past spring term in all of our officiated leagues,” Sorensen said. “I expect that the level of officiating will continue to be somewhat high. For the amount of training and experience that our employees have, they do great.”
All the Rec Center student employees, including officials, scorekeepers and sport supervisors, are CPR-certified in order to deal with possible injuries and emergencies. “All of our staff members are specifically trained to handle various types of medical and/or physical incidents if they ever arise,” Sorensen said.
“Come play this summer,” Sorensen added. “It’s indoor soccer, so you can beat the heat by playing inside!”
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