Timothy Clayton Webster, 28, the suspect in Portland State’s offensive touching case that occurred Feb. 25, was arrested by police in Seattle on March 12 in an unrelated case. PSU’s Campus Public Safety Office updated the timely warning on March 15 to confirm that Webster was in custody.
Suspect in offensive touching case arrested

Timothy Clayton Webster, 28, the suspect in Portland State’s offensive touching case that occurred Feb. 25, was arrested by police in Seattle on March 12 in an unrelated case.
PSU’s Campus Public Safety Office updated the timely warning on March 15 to confirm that Webster was in custody.
Webster is currently lodged in King County jail on three counts of first-degree criminal trespassing, two counts of burglary and one count of harassment.
“Webster is scheduled to be arraigned…on the charges from the case in Seattle,” CPSO Sgt. Joe Schilling said.
The offensive touching case is still under investigation, and the warrant issued for Webster’s arrest on the charge of sex abuse in the third degree is still outstanding, Schilling said.
“[CPSO] Detective Matt Horton went to Seattle and interviewed Webster in [regard] to the sex abuse case. That information has been forwarded to the Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office to be reviewed,” Schilling said. “The victim does want to prosecute, and we’re doing everything we can to move forward with the case.”
The original timely warning said that on Feb. 25 a female student reported being subjected to offensive touching on the north side of the Engineering Building, located at 1930 SW Fourth Ave.
The victim reported that a man came up to her and asked if she had a dollar. While the victim was reaching for the money, the suspect restrained her and rubbed against her while making sexually suggestive comments.
Webster was named as the suspect in the case on March 7. He has been issued several exclusion orders from PSU and arrested by CPSO several times.
Additional information and updates about timely warnings are available on the PSU CPSO website, located at pdx.edu/cpso.
CPSO also reminds students that support services are available for anyone impacted by this incident from the Women’s Resource Center at 503-725-5672, Employee Assistance Program at 1-866-750-1327 and the Center for Student Health and Counseling at 503-725-2800.