Garbage Day

I’ve written about the wild world that was Hong Kong’s cinematic golden age before with my article on The Boxer’s Omen, but there’s just too much great stuff in there…

Garbage Day

About halfway through Kuei Chih-Hung’s 1983 fever dream The Boxer’s Omen, an evil wizard eats a bunch of animal guts, pukes them up, eats the gut-puke again then spits it…

This day around the world: Oct. 1

Oct. 1 Barcelona, Spain Despite Spanish national police raiding polling locations and pressure from the central government in Madrid, Catalonia went forward with a referendum calling for independence from Spain….

This week around the world: July 1–7

July 1 Sorriso, Brazil One of Brazil’s most notorious drug kingpins, Luiz Carlos da Rocha, was finally apprehended after eluding capture for over two decades with face-altering plastic surgeries and…