Celebrities often make really off-color remarks. In the past few years we’ve dealt with rampant racism, sexism and ableism pouring from the media floodgates with little more than a hand-slap as a reprimand.
Higher up the ladder
Higher education is always a hot topic. Whether it’s funding, a cheating scandal, sports or some Greek-life stunt going viral, college-related things are constantly being talked about.
We’ll think about it—scout’s honor
May is always an interesting month. May 1 marks International Workers’ Day, May 5 is Cinco de Mayo, and now May 20 might begin to mark something interesting as well.
Farther and farther beyond
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…” Made famous by George Lucas’ Star Wars films, that phrase has managed to captivate audiences worldwide for decades and has become emblematic of our space fantasies. Those films, along with others of their ilk, mirror the fascination we denizens of this little green-and-blue planet have with the worlds above and below us.
Eternal sigh of the grumpy student
Within the past month or so a string of tragic events have hit this country (not to mention the rest of the world), but mainstream media haven’t been reporting on it broadly because of the events in Boston. What is truly surprising, however, is the lack of empathy people have toward tragedies and events of this nature.
Real Inception?
Dreams fascinate us. You could even say we’re obsessed with them. There are films, television shows and books devoted to traversing and unraveling dreamlands and their mysterious qualities.
Edible forests
Imagine walking into a garden filled with seasonal produce readily available for harvest. Now imagine that the same garden is easily accessible to the public for said harvest and consumption.
Pilling up
I’m sure I’ve said it many times before, but I am so, so grateful for the existence of contraceptives, and not just for my own use. I’m grateful for the ready availability of many different kinds of contraceptives for so many people in the U.S.
On beauty
Over the last year I’ve had to come to a somewhat painful realization regarding my body: I will never have a thigh gap. No matter how many hours I spend at the gym on a weekly basis or what foods I banish from my diet, my thighs are going to touch. And that’s OK.
Food Inc.
Despite a love for Oreos, burritos and carrot cake, nutrition is something I take pretty seriously. I love to go grocery shopping and ogle the various in-season produce. However enjoyable a jaunt through the produce aisle can be, though, much of the food that we see in stores and regularly consume has been genetically modified.
Tough commutes
When it comes down to it, I really don’t have a whole lot to complain about. Sure, there are rising tuition costs, weird weather, sometimes the show I want to go to is sold out—the list goes on. However, these complaints are small and relatively insignificant in the grand scheme of things (apart from the tuition costs, and I’m sure I’m not alone in that). However, one thing that I find to be a valid complaint is the rising cost of public transit.