Privilege check

New Year’s means lots of new beginnings: new school term, new political policies being signed or put into action, and new seasons of our favorite television programs. This new year marks the return of HBO’s hit show Girls. While many viewers are excited about the show’s second season, I’m not. And given friends’ reactions, along with the high level of negative Internet buzz, a large number of the show’s target audience aren’t, either.

Where’s the baby?

Just when you think technology can’t get more convenient, it completely revitalizes and changes traditions ingrained in our society. For decades, adoption was a lengthy process in which years and years might go by before “waiting” parents could actually adopt a baby.

The discourse of difference

It’s nice to think that we’ve come pretty far as a country in the last 200-ish years. And we have, but not all at the same time. From observations on both the academic and Internet fronts, there’s a large number of people who would have us believe that America is “post-racial.”

Feminist forefront

As a young college student, one of my primary concerns is finding a job after graduation. It’d be even better if said job allowed me to utilized the English degree I’ll have in June 2014. I don’t worry so much about the competition between men and women in my chosen career field. That wasn’t always the
case, however.

Bare secrets

Victoria’s Secret photoshops aftermarket fantasy

I was probably around 7 or 8 years old the first time I walked past a Victoria’s Secret. My curiosity and burgeoning sexuality made me a prime marketing target despite my age.

Your lack of faith

Should atheists be held to the same standards as religious folk?

Over the summer I had to do something I’d never done before: come out to my mother. When I say “come out,” I don’t mean the common definition; the two of us squared with that one a long time ago. No, this time around I was coming out as an atheist.

Mountain goat a-go-go

After hazing, mountain goats are no longer a threat to hikers

Hiking is an enjoyable outdoor activity. There’s nothing quite like getting outside—maybe enjoying a mountaintop picnic and the visual delights Mother Nature has given us.

The not-so-final frontier

PSU goes into orbit

Outer space is just a pipe dream for a lot of us. The opportunity to be involved with researching the cosmos is one that, sciences majors or not, we’d love to have. Launch rockets, find constellations and then do stuff that astrophysicists and astronauts actually do.

The dream has become a reality for some Portland State students.

The dick in the box

Rush Limbaugh once again proves he’s overcompensating

Sometimes it’s hard to believe the things that come out of people’s mouths.

After he blasted a female law student’s political views and called her a “slut” on his national radio broadcast, you’d think Rush Limbaugh couldn’t sink any lower. He seems to enjoy proving us wrong.

Security in the flesh

Man bares it all to protest the TSA

When the slogan “Keep Portland Weird” comes up, airport security protests are probably not the first thing that comes to mind. Still, weird is weird, especially a recent incident in which a man was arrested at Portland International Airport after he stripped naked in front of an airport security guard.