Healthy kids, heavy burden

Will the new health care act make Oregon’s program obsolete?

Whether you were pleased with or dismayed by President Obama’s health care plan, it was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court last month, making it federal law. While the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is an entirely different can of worms, the health care debate does bring up something that many Oregonians should care about: the Healthy Kids Act of 2009.

Condi on deck

Condoleezza Rice as Romney’s veep? It’s possible

Eeny, meeny, miney, mo, who will Mitt Romney choose to stand by him during this presidential election? If the rumor mill’s right, it just might be Condoleezza Rice.

Upping the books

Increasing literacy could stem low graduation rates

Literacy rates in the U.S. are appalling. Approximately 32 million American adults lack basic literacy skills, according to the U.S. Department of Education, and a National Center for Education study found that 38 percent of fourth grade students fell below the most basic literacy level.

You want to major in what?

Don’t let money stop you from pursuing what you like

Every parent has that moment of panic when their kid comes home from school with the news that they’ve decided to major in philosophy. Even the most supportive of parents might face some newly sprouted gray hairs when you announce that you will be pursuing a degree in the liberal arts.

Art for art’s sake

Oregon needs to step up and take pride in its artistic past and present

Oregon is known for many things: Crater Lake, the filming location for The Goonies, the Oregon Ducks, massive amounts of natural beauty and, of course, Portland. As cool as all of these things are, there is a part of Oregon that many seem to conveniently forget—the artists.

Cinco de cultural appropriation?

Portland scores a world record—and possibly some questionable ethics

The fifth of May, or Cinco de Mayo, is a day many of us look forward to in the springtime. The special date has been made famous not only for its historical importance, but for its social relevance as well.

Sexual abuse of female inmates

Recent cases show that inmates need advocacy

Although the phrase “abuse of power comes as no surprise” is a bit cliché in terms of political and social happenings, it is spot-on when one thinks about the way certain prisons treat their inmates.

Facebook and privacy

How that Facebook post might cost you

Ah, what a wonderful world we live in. With just the click of a button you can view the latest drop (or rise!) in the stock market, order clothing, download a textbook or stalk that professor you’re crushing on.

Beating a dead horse

Once again, opponents of gay marriage go too far

The battle over the legalization of gay marriage has been analyzed time and time again. Conservatives do not generally support it, and the left-leaning liberals generally do. These are all things we’ve been made aware of many times over.