Things to do before the world ends
フᆱMixmaster Mike w/special guests
So much wax it’s like a candle factory. Only this is very special wax, the kind that makes your booty bounce like a cantaloupe filled jell-o salad. (see story)
Crystal Ballroom 503-225-5555, ext. 8811
フᆱ“On the Verge”
A verbal symphony about time, love and yearning, finishes its three-week run this weekend. Performances also run Friday and Saturday. Lincoln Hall, Room 7, 8 p.m.
フᆱRollerball, Eldoras, VI Foot Sloth
If you’re into the experimental indie thing, take note: Rollerball’s been doing it longer than anybody in Portland. With a slew of releases under their belt, these guys and gals leave audiences asking, “What are they gonna do next?”
Meow Meow, 503-230-2111
You’ve probably seen it on video more than once, and you’re probably trying to quit smoking, but if you love cinema, you love Jean-Luc Godard’s “Breathless.” Now you have the chance to see the groundbreaking epitome of the ’60s French New Wave on the big screen, and it will leave you … well you know.
Guild Theatre, 829 S.W. Ninth Ave., 7 and 9 p.m.
フᆱTrick Sensei, Hugh Jazz Orchestra
Trick Sensei is one of P-towns most underrated pop bands. Some songs stretch out on the psychedelic frontier and some are catchy, sweet bedroom pop numbers. They’re definitely the only band in town with a theremin player named White Chocolate. The Hugh Jazz Orchestra have been performing their eclectic stylings around town for a while now, so this would be a good time to catch them in a small room for a price that can’t be beat. (It’s FREE.)
Billy Ray’s Neighborhood Dive, 503-287-7254
Rarely seen on the big screen in America, Godard’s “Weekend” (1967) damn near got the man blacklisted. Examining the contradictions in the lives of the tortured French middle class, Godard pulls out all the stops in this sometimes violent and most definitely political work. Leftists love the communist overtones, artists love the 20-minute traffic jam. We all love sexy mid ’60s French people.
Guild Theater, 7 and 9 p.m.
フᆱBraille Stars, Victory at Sea, KaitO
A guitar/drum duo, Braille Stars have come a long way from their schizophrenic indie/noise days of recent past. Now they’re sounding more like earlier Royal Trux, with the perfect mix of lo-fi gurgling male/female vocal interplay to leave you entranced. Light indy-popers KaitO and the moody Victory at Sea (see story) open.
The Blackbird 503-282-9949
フᆱ“Cannibal Holocaust”
With a title like “Cannibal Holocaust” you can pretty much be assured this isn’t a Woody Allen comedy. This is a simple gut-grabbing-disgust-a-thon. Done along the lines of “Blair Witch,” though 23 years its senior, “Cannibal Holocaust” tells the story of a documentary crew in South America through their “found” film footage. And for those of you who can watch people being maimed and twisted beyond recognition, but scream and freak out at a fish gasping for air, there is implied cruelty to animals in the movie. Therefore with all that in mind this is probably not a film for the faint of heart.
“Cannibal” runs Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Cinema 21, 503-223-4514
フᆱDisorder II:Fat Tire Fury
Fat Tire Farm, your mountain biking haven, along with a few other sponsors, will be presenting, “Disorder II: Fat Tire Fury.” Fury is simply the mud and dust and double-shocked equivalent of a Warren Miller snow flick. Boys and Girls, Women and Men thrashing their bodies and bikes through sage and single track, and discovering constantly gravity is always King. “Disorder II” premiers Saturday, Oct. 13. Price of admission includes food and beverage!
Hollywood Theater, 4122 N.E. Sandy, doors at 6:45, 503-222-3276.
フᆱMoldy Peaches
This New York-based art-pop punk combo recently found itself at the center of controversy when its album, slated for a 9/11 release date, had to pulled from distribution due to its unfortunately coincidental cover art. But the music is good: energetic, snappy rock featuring female vocals, fuzzy guitar and a definite NYC attitude, and there’s nothin’ wrong with that.
The Blackbird 503-282-9949
A bit disturbing, definitely depressing, yet somehow beautiful, Director Michael Cuesta’s “L.I.E.” is the rare American film that doesn’t go over-the-top in its examination of the alienation and oppression of our dissatisfied youth. If you’re the weepy type, watch out.
Fox Tower
フᆱDJ Logic & Project Logic, Bullfrog feat. Kid Koala
When I last saw Bullfrog I was driven to shake it with abandon. They’re downright authentically funky. Kid Koala’s amazing turntabalism blended into the ensemble without overpowering, and the four to six piece band knew how to lay into the pocket. Project Logic, led by DJ Logic (best known for his guest spots with avante-jazz trio Medeski Martin and Wood) is rumored to have a jazz twist but be able flow the funk as well.
Aladdin Theater, 503-233-1994
To submit a calendar event email: call 503-725-5694 or fax 503-725-4534