Today’s Calendar

special events

Friday, Oct. 18 and Saturday, Oct. 19

6-9 p.m.(Friday) and 9 a.m.-noon (Saturday) PSU Fall Cheerleading/Dance Team/Mascot Tryouts. These tryouts are to add members to the existing cheer and dance teams. Men and women are encouraged to try out. For more information, call coach David Long at 503-827-0213, or e-mail him at

Saturday, Oct. 26 through Sunday, Oct. 27

PSU Weekend. PSU Weekend offers more than 20 free lectures and seminars on campus. Many events are free and open to the public. For more information on specific events or to preregister, call 503-725-4949.


Friday, Oct. 11

Noon-1:30 p.m. Urban Planning and Landscape Design in Feng Shui. Seminar presented by Professor Thomas Lin Yun. Event located in SMSU 338. For more information, contact the Center for Urban Studies at 503-725-4020.

Noon-2 p.m. Legislative Candidates Forum and Lobbying Workshop. Come hear candidates share their thoughts on higher education in Oregon. There will be a time at the end of the forum for questions. After the forum, there will be a lobbying workshop. Event located at the Great Hall in the K House Campus Ministry Building. Sponsored by the PSU AAUP. For more information, contact Julie Schmid at 503-725-4414.

Monday, Oct. 14

3-4 p.m. Introduction to Interviewing. Learn the basics of interviewing and begin to develop your skills in this introductory workshop. Located in the Career Center, USB 402. For more information, call 503-725-4613.

Monday, Oct. 21

2-4 p.m. Effective Interviewing Workshop. Learn specific strategies to further develop your interviewing skills. This in-depth workshop will provide information on what employers expect from candidates during interviews. Located in the Career Center, USB 402. For more information, call 503-725-4613.

Tuesday, Oct. 22

11-11:30 p.m. How to use PSU CareerConnect. Learn to use PSU CareerConnect to sign up for on-campus interviews. Located in the Career Center, USB 402. For more information, call 503-725-4613.

Noon-1 p.m. Career Happiness for Liberal Arts and Sciences Majors. Learn about the components of career happiness and the career decision-making process. Find out how liberal arts and sciences majors can find careers that are right for them. Event is located in NH 491F. For more information, call the Career Center at 503-725-4613.


Tuesday, Oct. 15

1 p.m. Globalizing Justice. Santos Choc talks about the impact of “free trade” on indigenous communities in Guatemala. This event is free and open to the public, though there is a suggested donation of $5-$20. The lecture is located at the K House Campus Ministry Building. For more information, contact the Portland Central Solidarity Committee at 503-236-7916.

Wednesday, Oct. 16

7-8:30 p.m. “The Big Picture: An Overview of Modern Cosmology.” Presented by Dr. Kim Coble. This lecture will provide an overview of the key features of our universe as currently understood by astronomers. Event sponsored by the Science Integration Institute and the PSU Center for Science Education. Lecture is located in CH 53. For more information, please visit or call 503-848-0280.


Wednesday, Oct. 16

1 p.m. Portland Pre-Health Society. There will be a guest speaker from the Red Cross, and students can sign up for free memberships. All students interested in pursuing a career in all health disciplines are invited to come learn more about this student organization. For more information, call 503-725-8384, or e-mail

3-4 p.m. General Interest Meeting presented by OSPIRG. Meeting and social for anyone interested in social, consumer and environmental justice issues. Event located in SMSU (room to be announced). For more information, contact Kari Koch at 503-725-4500.


Now through Friday, Oct. 25

Littman and White Galleries Exhibit Openings. The Littman Gallery exhibit: “Burn/Scratch/Scar” by Evan Serrill, Karl Davis and Nika Blasser. This exhibit explores medias, mediums and emotional connections to process. The White Gallery exhibit: “Elapse” by Raven Lloyd. This exhibit explores emotional landscapes of change, emotion, growth and time. The galleries are located on the second floor of SMSU.

Now through Thursday, Oct. 31

Scott Clum: “Surrounding and Influence.” Pieces are a collection of the creative process based on the influence of an environment. Autzen Gallery, NH.

Now through Friday, Nov. 1

Monotypes by Jim Hibbard. Hibbard taught art at PSU for 27 years. Exhibit is located at L&B Gallery, 1215 S.W. 16th off of Jefferson.



Purposeful Performing Arts. Interested in the performing arts, but not necessarily a performing arts major? This is for you! We are looking for actors, script writers, visual artists, but especially those with interest, enthusiasm and vision. Express the deeper meanings in life through shorter scripts. We present during worship services on campus and throughout the city. Presented by Campus Ministry. For more information, please contact Elizabeth by phone at 503-226-7807, ext. 104, or by e-mail at


The Family Center Outreach, a program of Volunteers of America, has opened its doors in Southeast Portland to provide services to women and children who are survivors of domestic violence. It provides free support groups and drop-in services. For more information, contact Natalie at 503-771-5503.

If you are a woman who has a physically abusive female partner, call the 24-hour crisis line at 503-281-2442; or call women-battered-by-women support groups at 503-232-7805 or 503-289-6869, ext. 11. NH basement.

weekly events


6 p.m. Progressive Student Union. Discuss topics such as PSU Taco Bell contract. Meetings are in SMSU 292.


4-5:30 p.m. Counselor Education Grad Student Group. If you are interested in joining, call CAPS at 503-725-4423.

4-4:45 Afternoon Prayer. You are invited to pause in your busy schedule. Quiet your mind and heart with readings, reflection, song and prayer. Presented by Campus Ministry. Event located in the K House Campus Ministry. For more information, call Elizabeth at 503-226-7807, ext. 104, or e-mail her at

4-5:30 p.m. Sexual Minorities Group. If you are interested in joining, call CAPS at 503-725-4423.


Noon-1 p.m. Brown Bag Lunch Bible Study. Located in SMSU 326. For more information, call 503-247-8387.

1-2:30 p.m. Procrastination/Test Anxiety Workshop. Nov. 6, 13 and 20. If you are interested in participating, call CAPS at 503-725-4423.


1-2:30 p.m. Interpersonal Therapy Groups. If you are interested in joining, call CAPS at 503-725-4423.

3-4:30 p.m. Interpersonal Therapy Groups. If you are interested in joining, call CAPS at 503-725-4423.

6:30 p.m. Group Bible Study. Event located in SMSU 323. For more information, call 503-247-8387.

7-9 p.m. The Edge. Join us at the Edge for praise and worship, hanging out and learning about God. Meetings are on the 2nd or 3rd floor of the SMSU. Presented by Campus Crusade for Christ. For more information, contact Michael Aylward at 503-293-0764, or e-mail


1 p.m. Worship Service. Event located in SMSU 323. For more information, call 503-247-8387.

volunteer opportunities

Advocates needed for the Portland Women’s Crisis Line. Are you interested in helping others, gaining social-service skills and working toward social change? The Portland Women’s Crisis Line is seeking volunteer advocates to staff its 24-hour domestic-violence line. The next training period is Oct. 15-Nov. 7 on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 6-9 p.m., and Saturday mornings, 9:30 a.m.-noon. For more information, call 503-232-4176.

Oregon Food Bank is looking for volunteers to assist in nutrition-education classes for low-income residents in Portland. Three different classes teach adults, children, and parents and children about meal planning and preparation, nutrition, and budgeting. Volunteers should have a love of working with diverse populations and a love for cooking, food and nutrition. For more information, contact Julie Webber of the Oregon Food Bank at 503-419-4183.

Special Olympics is seeking volunteers. The positions available are with coaches, assistants, chaperones, outreach, fund raising, training and special events. There is a special need for fall aquatics coaches. For more information, call 503-649-9167, ext.4; or call 1-800-595-2860, ext. 4.

Hyalite is a nonprofit organization that needs volunteers with grant-writing skills. Volunteers will be writing grant support to complete historical documentaries about African Americans during the Civil War and African Americans during the movement west. Send resumes to, or call 503-220-8282.

Oregon for Health Security seeks to unite health-care professionals, consumer organizations, caregivers and concerned citizens to advocate for improved access to quality, affordable and secure health care. The organization is looking for interns and volunteers for upcoming terms. For more information, contact the Oregonians for Health Security at 503-655-2793, or e-mail

Mercy Corps ( is seeking tax-deductible donations of PCs and computer parts. Please help create free computer training and communication/Internet access centers. Mercy Corps is a Portland-based nonprofit that is working in more than 30 poor countries. For more information, contact Matthew at 503-796-6803, or e-mail

The Volunteer Alert is back. Check out opportunities to help REACH, and contact us to sign up or to get more information. Go to for more details.

Oregon Partnership is an organization dedicated to changing lives through substance-abuse prevention, education and referrals. The partnership is currently looking for volunteers to work on its various programs. For more information, call 503-244-5211.

Clackamas Women’s Services has many opportunities for compassionate, open-minded women who want to help women and children survivors of domestic and sexual violence. You may also be able to earn college credit if you are a current student. We are currently seeking volunteers for days, evenings or weekends. For more information, call 503-654-2807.

Wish you could do something to help end domestic and sexual violence? The Bradley-Angle House is looking for volunteers to work on its 24-hour crisis line, staff emergency shelter and transitional houses, work with children’s groups, and serve on the board of directors. The organization is also seeking volunteers to do administrative and maintenance work. The Bradley-Angle House provides quality service for women and children of all races, religions, sexual orientations, ages and backgrounds. Ongoing education regarding homophobia, racism and oppression is required of all staff volunteers. Please call and donate your services at 503-282-9940. Make a difference!

Shelter/Domestic Violence Resource Center is looking for caring individuals to volunteer and make a difference in the lives of women and children. There are many opportunities to share your skills. All are invited to apply. No prior experience is necessary, as comprehensive training is provided. If you are interested, please contact Rebecca at 503-640-5352.

Transition Projects has a year-round need for hygiene items such as soap, shampoo and razors, as well as blankets. Volunteers are needed year-round to help serve and supply food at Clark Center and Glisan Street Shelter. Call 503-823-5845 for more information.