In the wake of the tragedy at Rutgers University last September, a handful of ASPSU members have taken it upon themselves to address the issue of cyber-bullying at Portland State by adding a clause to the student code of conduct that explicitly forbids such activities.
ASPSU takes on cyber-bullying
Grant awarded to Portland-based Native American Youth and Family Center
The Oregon University System awarded a $56,250 grant earlier this month to northeast Portland’s Native American Youth and Family Center [NAYA] for the purpose of funding the organization’s “Ladder to Success” program, which is designed to provide community outreach to American Indian and Alaskan Native families.
Board approves OUS sustainability report
The Oregon University System has gone green. On Oct. 8, the Oregon State Board of Higher Education approved the Sustainability Initiative Committee’s [SIC] final report, which contained policy proposals for Oregon’s universities to adopt in the service of nurturing the state’s reputation as a nucleus of “green” development.
PSU tests Blackboard replacement
Blackboard’s days are numbered. By the end of this academic year, Portland State’s online learning management system will be replaced by the new Desire2Learn [D2L] system.
OUS hires vice chancellor of academic affairs
Dr. Sona K. Andrews, provost and vice president of Academic Affairs at Boise State University, was recently appointed by Oregon University System Chancellor George Pernsteiner to the position of vice chancellor of Academic Affairs.
Portland State student visits Gulf oil spill
Portland State student Tina Pham, 24, recently witnessed firsthand the effects of British Petroleum’s Deepwater Horizon disaster.
Oregon Historical Society in jeopardy
The Oregon Historical Society is in financial jeopardy and its fate will be decided by ballot on Nov. 2, when Multnomah County voters will consider a local levy to fund the society for the next five years.
Wiewel holds annual fall convocation
The top brass of Portland State held its annual fall convocation—the celebratory kick-off event of the academic year—before a gathering in Hoffman Hall on Wednesday, Sept. 22.