Something bugging you?

Being a college student is not easy-between balancing a social life with academics, professors who think you are taking only their class and dealing with friends and family, college is tough. So one would think that returning home would be a nice break from the stress. And it can be, if you do not live in Park Plaza.

It’s happening here

People hear about human trafficking in faraway places like Thailand, India or some distant Third World country. Part of the problem with human trafficking is that it is happening in our own backyard and no one seems to recognize it.


People hear about human trafficking in faraway places like Thailand, India or some distant Third World country. Part of the problem with human trafficking is that it is happening in our own backyard and no one seems to recognize it.

Farewell, Fareless Square

It is officially over: Fareless Square has ended. Since Jan. 3, TriMet riders have had to change their routes if they are not willing to pay for bus rides in what used to be fareless zones in downtown Portland.

Vegetarian’s dilemma

With so many options, being a vegetarian in Portland is easy. Most places you can order food without meat, but knowing which restaurants contain the best food is key to any diet. The only real problem being a vegetarian in Portland poses is that there may be too many options available. With this quick and easy guide, you can narrow down the problem to a few restaurants in and around town.

Going veggie

Let’s face it: Being a vegetarian has all sorts of positive impacts, but a recent report from CNN is shedding light on a less-publicized aspect of being a vegetarian.

Medical marijuana users can breathe easy

Welcome back to the good days, where state laws mean something and people who abide by them don’t get hassled by the federal government. The Justice Department announced that in states allowing medical marijuana, users and suppliers will not fall victim to federal prosecutors, so long as they’re in line with state rules.